Diana Spenser was murdered and no one should be murdered.
The people's princess pr is something she promoted and used her popularity to protect herself from the satanist lizard queen.
Diana's family, the Spensers, probably have a better legit claim on the throne than the Windsors. As a member in good standing of the UK upper class DS didn't marry Charles Windsor and wait wut u r a pedovore?
British upper classes are well aware of the satanist pedo cultists and one is unlikely to marry, unwittingly into a pedovore family, and find out on the honeymoon. Wait wut u r pedovores? are words the people's princess never said.
The Diana cult post mortem was been curated by the palace, and little shrines to Diana are to be found in by the Serpentine in the royal parks surrounding Buck house.
The Diana Fountain and the Diana children's play area are in Kensington Gardens home to Peter Pan…
The Diana cult is founded on the conviction she loved ordinary people, which she may have, in the abstract, when she remembered, but she had her own troubles and having married into a bloodline satanist family, she defied the lizard queen publicly. Whatever her plans were they didn't include washing the feet of the poor. She knew about Jimmy Savile, her husband hung out with him.
A children's playground with DS's name on it is not in the best of taste but it amuses the lizard queen enormously or it wouldn't exist – not in the royal park right next to the palace.