These digs began with a reference to the fact that early Christians had at times been accused of worshiping the image of a crucified donkey-headed god, as opposed to the likeness of Christ to which we are seemingly accustomed. Initial research led directly to the infamous & deeply maligned "Alexamenos Graffito", the earliest depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus dating back to at least 200 CE/AD. True, the graffiti in question has often been cited as being a slanderous mockery directed towards the fledgling Christian religion itself. Of course, to the intrepid Anon this naturally arouses the suspicion that there is perhaps something here that "they" don't want us to see! It is from this point that I began to dig, simultaneous to research into Black-Cube/Saturn related material.
It is this Anon's assertion that the 3 Abrahamic faiths have long been compromised & under direct control of the Blackhat wing of the Illuminati, who we Anons routinely refer to as the Cabal. Whatever the exoteric doctrine offered openly to the flock, at the core of all 3 faiths lies an esoteric belief system which consists of nothing less than the worship of Set [a.k.a. Satan] whose symbols are understood to be those Saturnian in nature, the most prominent being the now familiar "Black Cube" imagery found throughout Judaism, writ large by the mere existence & importance to Muslims of the Kaaba at Mecca, or "The Devil" card of the Rider-Waite tarot. But what of Christianity you might ask, which appears at first sight to be lacking in these very same Saturnian symbols? This led straight back to Typhon-Set, god of foreigners & hot-dry winds; lord of forcible sodomy & destruction.
I began to ask myself: When the prophet Jesus instructed his disciple to fetch an ass for his triumphal ride into Jerusalem before the Last Supper, was this not a quite deliberate decision on his part that he should enter that city riding not upon a horse or camel, but instead astride the animal known symbolically throughout the ancient world as being that particular beast held most sacred to the worshipers of Typhon-Set=Satan. And why would Jesus, being no doubt well versed in the myriad local traditions of the pagan peoples with whom he co-existed, make such a damningly purposeful & glaringly symbolic choice knowing full well the comparisons that would inevitably be made between himself & Typhon-Set? Was this not an intentional display of symbolism offered explicitly to show one & all to whom it was that the The Lord & prophesied Messiah truly served?
If it is true that Christians were quite rightfully accused of paying worship to an ass-headed god, just as the Jews had been before them, & that this deity was in fact Typhon-Set who is one & the same as Satan, then is this not direct proof that even before its inception, Christianity was already pre-destined to be run &/or ruined under the auspice of the Cabal to whom Set=Satan=Saturn is held to be most holy? Indeed, it appears so!
And while all pics are certainly related, Anons are advised to pay especial attention to the "Y" inscribed to the right of the "HEAD" of the crucified figure of Typhon-Set to whom Alexamenos pays worship, as portrayed in the "Alexamenos Grafitto". That, & read carefully the corresponding screenshot text which defines the symbol in question.
As it is stated here:
>A "Y" is a symbol of Typhon-Seth worship.
Also included for the purpose of expediency, is the Egyptian myth of the rape by Set of his nephew, the child Horus. Let it be known that it is from this myth that the Cabal have derived their debased act of ritualized sodomy. The horrors of rampant pederasty which have leaked forth with no apparent end in sight from the Catholic church can also be said to have been derived from this myth, whether the perpetrators in question know it or not.
The enemy are merely imitating & exploiting this myth towards the evilest of ends. I will let intrepid Autists & Anons be the judge of this!