Has anyone considered the following: We’ve been told many things here via Q drops. I’m a believer of Q not a “follower”, words matter. What if we as occupants of this planet, are really under control of some intelligence, currently not explained by authorities to the masses.
“You are watching a movie” life on this planet is played out to the intelligence that really controls, it’s the only way we’ve learned to communicate with them, that’s why Hollywood and FakeNews are important cogs in the wheel. We are literally performing in a scene, a play on stage, to entertain these sick and controlling creatures/beings, a hierarchy of some other type of intelligence. Look at the last names of these people who come into the news, Stone, Sandman, Trump, and on and on, which all have multiple meanings and ways of being used.
Q is helping us break free from these controllers by playing out a planned “movie” performance for our real rulers!