I transcribed these 2 pages and think I got most of it right. [Brackets] I was unsure of.
Dear George
You will excuse this
hand-written letter. Maybe
you will be able to bring a [si]
[t]uation I find myself in. -
My wife and I find
ourselves surrounded ??
vigilantes; our phone bugged
and we are being followed
everywhere. Either FBI is [in]
[ve]sted in this or they don't
want to accept my complaints.
We are driven to insanity by
this situation.
I have been behaving
like a damn fool ever since
my daughter Nadya died [???]
[F]ord 3 years ago. I
tried to write, stupidly [????]
unsuccfully about Lee H
Oswald and must have anno
yed a lot of people - I do not
know. But to punish an
elderly man like myselfand
my highly nervous and sick
wife is really too much.
Could you do something
to remove this net around
us? This will be my last
request for help and I will
not annoy you and more.
Good luck on your
important job.
Thank you so much.
G. deMohhrenschildt
727 Kings Road Apt 142
Tel 521-1309 ([a]/[c] 214) Dallas 75219