So Q
Where Is That OIG Report?
It Was Due Last Year
Why Are They Stalling?
Waiting For The Weather To Break?
So Q
Where Is That OIG Report?
It Was Due Last Year
Why Are They Stalling?
Waiting For The Weather To Break?
Yep, that pic of the NYT covering the Holohoax over a 47 year period, is what it's about mainly about though. Think about it. They were saying 6 gorillion were dead/dying in the year 1900. This continued the same bullshit, for 47 years. In retrospect, they were saying the holohoax was happening when Hitler was 11. Looooooooong before Hitler was ever in politics or before WW1/WW2 had even begun.
See, the kikes had a prophecy that they could return to the land of Israel/Palestine only after 6 gorillion jews died. So, they fabricated it. Their reward was from the crown in the UK and it came in the form of Israel, to the Rothschilds.
And 6 gorillion, were never killed. More like 700k, maybe. The rest, were just regular Europeans. Pr00fs. Here is a Rabbi in Israel, stating the facts.
And here is Netanyahu on Hitler (pic related)
Lol, what is this 2012? You do know SSL/TLS has been cracked since that the very latest, 2013–watch-out.html
I fuck with zerohedge, but you guys are 5+ years late on this one
Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Everyone NEEDS to see this, TOP LULZ
>Venezuela offers to build border wall in exchange for freedom from Socialism
>President Trump, if you help us to kick Maduro and all his thieves, we build the Mexican wall and paint it too