Anonymous ID: 264727 Jan. 27, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.4930122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saw an anon's post recently re: Daniel, the 21 days and the relevance of prayer/fasting as part of this process. This made a lot of sense to me.

Meme Dig Pray. We all do what we can and the thoughts and intentions of WW prayer is mos def a powerful thing.

Anon mentioned stepping that up. Doing more, or less as it were. Giving up something we love as a gift/symbol of our resolve and our deep connection to this bigger picture.

Interrupting the cycle of normality to step into a greater awareness of our POWER thru action. Like offerings of livestock or sacred plants have been used historically to "give thanks" we can do the same by the conscious decision to refrain from any daily "ritual" we have and more importantly - love.

coffee, sugar, meat, alcohol, gaming, tv, anything meaningful

Give it to the universe. Make your offering personal and continue to pray and seek connection with the millions WW who are thinking of these same things.