Anonymous ID: a114bd Jan. 27, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.4929913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>9931 >>9969 >>9970 >>9973 >>9975 >>0082 >>0246 >>0283

(From lb)


Thought Id tell you a little more about my home dimension…ill add a little more every bread.


I come from a dimesnion in which HRC was arrested last Nov along with the rest of the CABAL. We have a solar powered wall along the mexican border that stores enough electricity to power several cities. Mexico paid for it! We only have 2 genders, gas and Big Macs are just 99c and our Facebook doesnt spy on us. Where I'm from, our Q was 100% legit on all his posts. JFK Jr. revealed him self to be alive on 11-11-2018 during the military parade POTUS held. Turns out he was Q the whole time! It was GLORIOUS. POTUS and JFK Jr are running in 2020, then in 2024, JFK Jr and POTUS are running with POTUS as VP. 9 years. The next 12 years are secure. Republicans have both the House and Senate. We have not had a terrorist attack or school shooting in 2 years. Alexandria Oscario Cortez and Kamala Harris resigned after their lesbian sex tape came out (it was nice, btw). Pelosi flipped and gave us the goods to secure indictments for the other cabal dems. She now works as Sarah Hucakbee Sander's assistant. Mueller was working for POTUS the whole time! Can you believe it? He was given a medal of honor and retired. When his report came out, it was suicide weekend for most of the CABAL. It was fucking insane. James Comey was the worst. He killed his entire family before turning the gun on himself. Sessions is still AG and drops huge BOOMS almost weekly. Mattis is head of the Space Force and Bannon is the new CEO of The NY Times. CNN? They were dismantled shortly after the 2016 elections for conspiracy to influence a presidental election. Most of the perps were rounded up but Don Lemon excaped to Panama. That fucker is on the FBI 10 most wanted tho so he will be rounded up soon. Kathy Griffin was so upset about it that she OD'd on heroin last October before Halloween. POTUS actually named the "Griffin Bill" to fight drug trafficking after her. Everyone agreed it was taking the high road and he gained much respect for it. Too bad you faggots didn't get to see it. It must fucking suck to be one of you guys. What the hell are yall doing? I been reading up on your news…your POTUS caved on the wall demand? BWAHAHAHA!!!! WTF?!

Anonymous ID: a114bd Jan. 27, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.4930142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0147 >>0154


I wish I could, anon. Q/JFK Jr. sent me here to find out what happened here and try to stop it. It might be too late…Either way, you "Patriots" need to wake up and start fighting! This 8chan shit aint working out too good for you, is it?

Anonymous ID: a114bd Jan. 27, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.4930215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0238


…that reply doesnt even make sense…

I think I see what happened here…

The anons in THIS dimension are legit retarted…

I better go report back this to Q/JFK Jr.