Anonymous ID: ed588d Jan. 27, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.4930071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0079 >>0114 >>0436 >>0510

>>4929288 (bread #6293)

>>4929345 (bread #6293)


Archived at:


Tried to archive the Mohrenschildt Wikipedia article to the WayBack Machine at, but it wouldn't archive it. The article was saved 73 times between May 31, 2005 and December 10, 2018, but the WayBack Machine would not accept the latest version of the article which was last edited on 21 January 2019, at 16:27 (UTC).


A search at found 29 results on Mohrenschildt from last autumn. Worth looking at again if you want more info.


The LONG Wikipedia article has a typed version of the Mohrenschildt letter and GWHB's reply. The article brought up a lot of points I was unfamiliar with, so anons digging for more info on the JFK assassination should take a look.


Mohrenschildt (born Jerzy Sergius von Mohrenschildt) was a petroleum geologist and professor who befriended Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1962 and maintained that friendship until Oswald's death. Mohrenschildt was originally from Russia; he and his father escaped to Poland around 1920 and emigrated to the USA in May 1938


"George von Mohrenschildt migrated to the United States in May 1938, after which he changed the nobiliary particle in his name from the German "von" to the French "de".[12] Upon his arrival in the U. S., British intelligence reportedly told the U.S. government that they suspected he was working for German intelligence.[citation needed] Documents indicate he was under FBI surveillance for much of the 1940s.[citation needed] … Mohrenschildt spent the summer of 1938 with his older brother Dimitri von Mohrenschildt on Long Island, New York. Dimitri was a staunch anti-Communist[15] and member of the OSS and one of the founders of the CIA's Radio Free Europe and Amcomlib (a.k.a., Radio Liberty) stations.[16] His contacts included top officials of the CIA.[citation needed]"


"Having completed a dissertation on the economic influence of the U.S. on Latin America, he received a doctor of science degree in international commerce from the University of Liège in Belgium in 1938.[11]" Became a US citizen in 1949, moved to Dallas, TX in 1952, and was friends with lots of oil barons (which is probably how he became acquainted with GHWB).


Became friends with fellow Russian emigre Lee Harvey Oswald and found Oswald a job after Mohrenschildt and Mohrenschildt's friend George Bouhe checked him out with the FBI and CIA.


"When he asked "Do you think it is safe for us to help Oswald", Bouhe said he had checked with the FBI. Mohrenschildt also stated that he believed he had discussed Oswald with Max Clark, whom he believed was connected with the FBI, and with J. Walton Moore, whom Mohrenschildt described as "a Government man — either FBI or Central Intelligence",[42][43] and who had debriefed Mohrenschildt several times following his travels abroad, starting in 1957.[43][44] (According to a CIA classified document, obtained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, J. Walton Moore was an agent of the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division in Dallas.)[43] Mohrenschildt asserted that shortly after meeting Oswald, he asked Moore and Fort Worth attorney Max E. Clark about Oswald to reassure himself that it was "safe" for the Mohrenschildts to assist Oswald."


After Oswald lost his job in Dallas, Mohrenschildt found Oswald another job in Fort Worth around October 1962. "In June, 1963, Mohrenschildt moved to Haiti. He never saw Oswald again."


Was heavily involved in testifying about the JFK event to the Warren Commission in April 1964. Left Haiti in November 1966 and returned to Dallas. "During 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison interviewed Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt as part of Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw. Garrison said that both of the Mohrenschildts insisted that Oswald had been the scapegoat in the assassination of President Kennedy. Garrison concluded from his conversation with them that George de Mohrenschildt had been one of Oswald's unwitting "baby-sitters … assigned to protect or otherwise see to the general welfare of Oswald."[53]"


[Go to part 2]

Anonymous ID: ed588d Jan. 27, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.4930079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0114 >>0436 >>0510



Part 2:


"On November 9, 1976, [his wife] Jeanne had Mohrenschildt committed to a mental institution in Texas for three months, and listed in a notarized affidavit four previous suicide attempts while he was in the Dallas area. In the affidavit she stated that Mohrenschildt suffered from depression, heard voices, saw visions, and believed that the CIA and the Jewish Mafia were persecuting him. He was released at the end of the year, however."


"According to the Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans, in 1967 a 'serious and famous Dutch clairvoyant' named Gerard Croiset had a vision of a conspirator who had manipulated Oswald;[59] his description led Oltmans to Mohrenschildt, and the two stayed in touch. In 1977, Oltmans went to Texas and brought Mohrenschildt to the Netherlands.[59] Oltmans claimed that he had rescued Mohrenschildt from a mental institution to bring him to the "famous" clairvoyant, Croiset. According to Oltmans, Croiset agreed that Mohrenschildt was the man he saw in his vision."


"On March 16, 1977, Mohrenschildt returned to the United States from his trip. His daughter talked with him at length and found him to be deeply disturbed about certain matters, reporting that he had expressed a desire to kill himself. On March 29, Mohrenschildt gave an interview to author Edward Jay Epstein, during which he claimed that in 1962, Dallas CIA operative J. Walton Moore and one of Moore's associates had handed him the address of Lee Harvey Oswald in nearby Fort Worth and then suggested that Mohrenschildt might like to meet him. Some help from the U.S. Embassy in Haiti would be greatly appreciated by him, he suggested to Moore. "I would never have contacted Oswald in a million years if Moore had not sanctioned it," Mohrenschildt said. "Too much was at stake."[46][61] On the same day as the Epstein interview, Mohrenschildt received a business card from Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, telling him that he would like to see him.[62] The HSCA considered him a "crucial witness".[63] That afternoon, Mohrenschildt was found dead from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head in a house where he was staying in Manalapan, Florida.[64] The coroner's verdict was suicide.[65]