Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.4930602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0652 >>0654 >>0678 >>0679 >>0684 >>0688 >>0715 >>0760 >>0840 >>0941 >>0958 >>1022 >>1068 >>1292 >>1325 >>1329

Pelosi To Block Trump's SOTU Address Despite Government Reopening


In a move that's sure to infuriate President Trump and likely impede negotiations over the border security funding that Trump has demanded be part of any permanent plan to avert another shutdown, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still planning to postpone the State of the Union by refusing to officially invite the president to give the annual speech on Tuesday.


Asked about the SOTU, Pelosi said after a deal to end the shutdown had been reached that she and the president would discuss holding the SOTU once the government had reopened, a cryptic response that many interpreted as meaning that the speech would be postponed, according to USA Today.


"What I said to the president is when the government is opened we will discuss a mutually agreeable date," Pelosi said, adding "I'll look forward to doing that" and welcoming Trump in the House chambers when that is done.


Drew Hammill, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, later affirmed that the speech wouldn't be happening on 1/29. And on Sunday, CNN's Jim Sciutto reported that an aide to Pelosi had anonymously confirmed that the House wouldn't consider the concurrent resolution that must be passed to officially invite the president to House chambers, where the speech has traditionally been held.


For his part, Trump has said that he wouldn't look for an alternative venue for the speech. On Jan. 23, he tweeted that no venue would match the "history, tradition and historic importance of the House Chamber".

Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 12:54 p.m. No.4930620   🗄️.is 🔗kun

$1.1 Trillion Fund Is Buying Everything With Fed At "Market's Mercy"


Earlier this month, when the Fed released the full transcripts from its 2013 FOMC meetings, there was one particular moment of epiphany by now-Chair Jerome Powell, when he unveiled what the markets have known all along: that the Fed is hostage to the market's every whim, to wit:


I have one final point, which is to ask, what is the plan if the economy does not cooperate? We are at $4 trillion in expectation now. That is where the balance sheet stops in expectation now. If we have two bad employment reports, the markets are going to move that number way out. We’re headed for $5 trillion, as others have mentioned. And the idea that President Kocherlakota said and Governor Duke echoed— that we ’re now a captive of the market — is somewhat chilling to me.


The idea may have been chilling, but unfortunately for the Fed, it's absolutely accurate, and it's a fact which traders once again confirmed earlier this year when after the S&P's near bear market tumble, Powell caved and reversed his formerly hawkish stance.


The Fed's inability to oppose the market is also the only investing thesis one needs for this year, according to a $1.1 trillion fund manager, who claims that the path to outperformance in 2019 is "as simple as betting the Federal Reserve will temper its tightening plan" and do the bull market’s bidding. Expecting even more dovishness outof the Fed, the fund is buying up virtually all risk assets (with the exception of Europe, where the ECB remains in a tightening phase).


Echoing what Jerome Powell first realized in March 2013, Wouter Sturkenboom, Northern Trust Asset Management’s Amsterdam-based chief investment strategist for Europe and Asia said that the Fed is "at the mercy of the markets" and "that’s why we have re-instigated a risk position" across stocks in the U.S. and emerging markets at the expense of investment-grade bonds. Naturally, the firm which oversees $1.1 trillion in total assets, sees clear sailing for the rally for now.


What would give Nothern Trust second thoughts about its rather simplistic, if accurate, investing strategy? The fund is keeping a close eye on on the 5Y Treasury yield, which would need to rise “meaningfully” to give the central bank the green light to push ahead with its indicative tightening plan, according to Sturkenboom.


Meanwhile, $300 billion asset manager Neuberger Berman is investing along the same broad lines: the firm is adding equities and bonds of developing nations while cutting cash and government debt, according to Erik Knutzen, CIO of multi-asset strategies.


In other words, a repeat of what happened exactly one year ago when everyone was dumping safe haven assets and cash, and rushing into risk assets.

Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.4930703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0717 >>0722 >>0724 >>0751 >>0790 >>0791 >>0793 >>0802 >>0960 >>1033 >>1088 >>1099



Declas was his decision.and the failure to release it discredited Q?


Was Q trying to warn us when VIP anon was sent the message (((Q+)))?


Election was safe, declas would've ensured it.


Trump now doesn't accept the results of the rigged election in Venezuela but is OK with the rigged election in the US, which has video proof of election rigging?


We need to consider these things and dig, Trump may be in trouble and blind faith is stopping logical thinking.



Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.4930750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Nears Deal With Taliban to End 17-Year War


United States negotiators agreed to a draft peace deal with the Taliban on Jan. 26, according to Taliban officials, drawing closer than ever to ending America’s longest lasting war.


The deal, which is not official until agreed to by both sides, calls for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan in 18 months in exchange for a ceasefire from the Taliban, among other items. Taliban sources provided the draft pact to Reuters.


Details of the draft deal surfaced after U.S. special peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad conducted six days of peace talks with Taliban leaders in Qatar. Khalilzad landed in Afghanistan on Jan. 27 to consult with the nation’s leadership.


“Meetings here were more productive than they have been in the past. We made significant progress on vital issues,” Khalilzad wrote on Twitter as he headed to Afghanistan from Qatar.


“Will build on the momentum and resume talks shortly. We have a number of issues left to work out. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and ‘everything’ must include an intra-Afghan dialogue and comprehensive ceasefire.”


Taliban leaders have long refused to negotiate with Afghanistan’s government, dismissing it as a puppet of the United States. Khalilzad’s reference to “intra-Afghan dialogue” underlines that Washington is adamant about bringing the two sides together to reconcile a vision for a post-war Afganistan. The Taliban’s hard-line Islamist views, especially those on the rights of women, clash with the freedoms protected by Afghanistan’s constitution.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Jan. 26 that Khalilzad reported “significant progress in talks with the Taliban on Afghanistan reconciliation.”

Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.4930803   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Noahide Project seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore Israel


The Noahide Project has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and the Israeli government. Noahides are members of a new religion founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement – a form of Zionist mission that seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel… the first Noahide gathering took place in Texas in 1990 and was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane…


“Our friends all over the world, the Noahides… You are the lucid persons in a perplex world. You are the hope of the world. Happy good day.” Thus, in somewhat broken English, Rabbi Oury Cherki, head of the Noahide World Center, greeted his followers in a video clip on the occasion of “Humanity Day,” the holiday of the Noahides (also known as Children of Noah), which was last celebrated on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Marheshvan (Nov. 10, 2017). According to Jewish tradition, it was on that day that Noah and his family emerged from the ark and received the seven commandments that apply to all human beings, among them the prohibitions on idol worship, on murder and on eating flesh torn from a living animal. When Noah left the ark, he built an altar and made a sacrifice. Which is why the Noahides eat grilled meat on their holiday.

A new religion, subordinate to Judaism


But who are these Noahides? They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement. According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers. That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade. Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.


Cooperation between Israel and the Philippines is constantly growing, and this week reached new heights with the visit to Israel of the country’s president, Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines are a key arena of Chabad activity, and one of the primary venues where the new religion is being disseminated. There are four Chabad centers in the country, and in addition to assisting Jews, they support 10 Noahide houses of prayer. The Hasidic emissaries view the Philippines community as the model for Noahide communities in other countries. A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.


That there are countries in which groups and communities identify themselves as belonging to the Jewish people, or as descendants of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, is nothing new. Similarly, we’re familiar with Christians who admire Israel. But the Noahides are a theological phenomenon of very recent vintage. It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either. The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.


Last month, Nova Religio, a journal devoted to emergent and alternative religions, published an article by Rachel Z. Feldman, assistant professor of religious studies at Franklin and Marshall College, in Pennsylvania, titled “The Children of Noah: Has Messianic Zionism Created a New World Religion?” In the summer of 2017, Feldman visited Noahide communities on the Filipino island of Cebu, which are supervised by Chabad rabbis. Like most Noahides around the world, the members of the Cebu community came mostly from Protestant churches, but had abandoned their belief in the New Testament.

Anonymous ID: 367bd2 Jan. 27, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.4931040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1078

History Of Zionism And Noahide Laws


Our Dutch friend Peter Edel's book about History of Zionism was published in Dutch some five years ago; and the repercussions for Peter ( were severe: he lost his job, was ostracised and almost became homeless. Now, as his book was translated into Turkish, he translated some parts of his book into English and made it available. This makes an interesting if controversial reading. We bring it below.


His main idea is correct: Israel should be de-Zionised, the quest for a Palestinian state should be abandoned, and instead, a state for all its citizens would replace the present "confederation of horse and rider". He is also correct saying that the religious underplay must be considered, despite the fear of secular antizionists to touch this touchy subject.


However, as he enters the field of religion, he treads on the first and well-marked mine. He proposes that non-Jews embrace the bastard creed of Noahide Laws. He writes: "It is not difficult to respect the seven laws of Noah, since these rules carry a very universal character. Neither Muslims, nor Christians will for instance have any problem with the prohibition against idolatry, or the commandment to establish a legal system."


It is not difficult to raise a white flag, it is quite easy to give up and surrender. Edel does not understand that acceptance of Noahide Laws is the white flag the Jews want to see flying over the goys' lines. These laws presume that the very existence of a goy is in order to serve a Jew. It is basically a vow of a slave to his master. Not by chance, the US has made the Noahide Laws a part and parcel of their legal system ­ and became subservient to the Jews.


In my Pardes, I explained it at length: "In the Jewish universe, the Gentiles should submit to the Jews. Acceptance of the Seven Noahide Commandments is a way of yielding to Jews. In brief, a Goy has to refrain from worshipping other gods, and have no feasts or rites of his own. As long as he has no religion he is all right; his de-spiritualised existence causes no alarm. Rambam (or Maimonides) expounded: "A Gentile who creates or follows a religious rule beside the Seven Commandments should be lashed and warned that he will be executed if he persists. We do not allow the Gentiles to make religious rites and commandments for themselves".


So, no Christmas, no Easter, no Id el-Fitr, no Id el-Adha for gentiles who accepted this law. Only working and shopping, shopping and working. Maybe it is suitable to many of Peter Edel's compatriots, but it is not for us, the inhabitants of the Holy Land.


Part 1