Biological Weapon
We all know people who suffer (and I mean suffer) with Lyme. We know it is a skitchy weirdly presenting thing that is ignored by the medical overlords. But it is MUCH worse.
Lyme Facts - (emerging daily)
Lyme can be sexually transmitted
Lyme is transmitted by tick and by fleas mosquitoes mites too
Lyme is transmitted from mother to child through birth
Lyme can be transmitted thru transfusions, organ transplant ….
-Lyme always has many other co-infections present that must be treated
-The Lyme tests are totally inept and misleading
-The CDC protocol for Lyme is very inadequate and patients are left to do research themselves or sometimes never find answers
-Many doctors do NOT believe Lyme disease exists AT ALL
-Lyme mimics so many other debilitating diseases that finding relief can take a lifetime
-BIOFILMS are not acknowledged by CDC and are main cause of chronic infection
AMAZING PDF on Biofilms and Lyme must read
On the connections between Alzheimers and spirochetes God help us all
Lyme Disease IS Biological Warfare
Extensive List of Lyme Protocols For all LymeFags
This is just a small small offering of some truths about the Lyme Plague upon us all.