Anonymous ID: d0502c Jan. 27, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.4930655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0879

I just had an epiphany moment! It was bugging me that without logical explanation, Newsom signed the Emergency declaration in the California fires as acting Governor instead of Brown. Brown signed into law the Sanctuary State. That would put Brown on the hook for crimes against the United States. In reality I think they are both on the hook but the left is taking a slightly different interpretation of post civil war Supreme Court rulings. Signing the law of Sanctuary States is the equivalent of writing new laws and failing to prosecute violators of the slavery laws in existence. Taking money from the United States in furtherance of acts constituting unilateral secession gets you the death penalty potentially. It certainly gets you immediately scooped up by the Military and held under their authority.

Anonymous ID: d0502c Jan. 27, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.4930854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0989

I'm starting to see a bigger picture after researching Civil War era cases. We won't see Military Tribunals per se. We will see the Military arrest the traitors ( 60K sealed ) and hold them until our Courts are cleaned up of traitor Judges.

Labeling them enemy combatants is not as important as we have been thinking. Yes that is one way to hold them under Military rule and it will be the case for some ( those involved in Benghazi for sure) POTUS has already declared National Emergency for a few crimes. Anyone involved in those crimes is subject to Military hold. If he declares a National Emergency at the border for the reason of invasion, then anyone acting against him on that gets scooped up immediately and held for trial. We see a crack in the democrats willing to say the border needs a wall because they don't want to be part of that.

The cases I have posted over the last couple of days support this and act as my source.

Anonymous ID: d0502c Jan. 27, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.4931057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4930989 yes and no. The national emergency declaration AT THE BORDER identifies an invasion. Invasion is 1 of a very few reasons POTUS can suspend the civilian court system. If the democrat congress doesn't agree to wall funding then he declares. At that point, anyone and I mean ANYONE, acting against the emergency and construction will be subject to immediate arrest by military. They cannot be tried by the Military per Milligan case but can be held. This list includes Judges and politicians. Politicians like in the Vallandigham case would later see them tried for treason