Q doesn't post as an anon
1/1024th latina
don't trust anonyfags, but if true that's really interdasting
it means even maduro supporters were backing guaido
thank you
they were both semitic polytheistic tribes that evolved into monotheism by choosing one of their gods as God
half joking, half serious
we could get great money for Cali, but it'd be a national loss to give up on it
post the sauce or stfu
that's not what we're talking about though
I've visited cali, it's fucking beautiful, but its politics is disgusting!
>billionth twatter larp being pushed here
that too of course
Californians will rise up at some point, they can't keep enduring this shit forever
not sure if that's correct
just that all the other single letter faggots trying to be like Q, like Rlarp, were larps
FBIanon was before Q