I saw a POTUS tweet that mentioned Weiner the other day and thought I'd take another look around. Here's something I found. [Golden emails]
OIG Report
A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election
From Page 273/278
Sept 26 2016
Certified FBI Techfag noticed immediately upon looking at the Weiner laptop that there were Blackberry messages + all the other HRC related domains on the laptop. Massive trove and got another techfag to confirm. Techfag2 vividly recalls actual "oh-shit' moment when he realized it was the HRC domain(s). Immediately reported up the chain. McCabe notes from Sept 28 show following entry "NY-…Weiner - atty took data off cloud - 2007 emails." Notes are confirmed by other analysts. Also Huma has not waived marital priv. (PG 287)
I can only assume that this means the emails were dating back to 2007. Check the committees HRC was on to see what she was doing at that time. In 2016 there was an FBI investigation going on into the Clinton Foundation. Techfags figured these emails may contain stuff that was relevant to the CF/Clinton email investigation and said so, but nothing happened. Comey mystified why he forgot about being told about the emails on Sept 28.
Child porn Weiner Case agent hears crickets after telling everyone he has 10 times the HRC emails the HRC Email investigation has. Tells Preet Bharara he's nervous because it's going tomake the FBI look bad, but also that he knows Comey isgiving inaccurate testimony. Feels bad man because he's a big Comey admirer. (Pg 303)
Inquiries from the SDNY prosecutors and the DOJ was what forced Comey/FBI to take action.
It appears the most valuable/ignored of which are Blackberry backups [Golden emails]. (Pg 331)
Also of note
Page 366
11:50 a.m. October 28, Comey letter transmitted to Congress : Attachment E
Comey says he's just learned about the Weiner email situation.
3:08 p.m. Comey send his message to all FBI employees.
4:44 p.m. (EDT) Q dropped #1
>HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run.