I was mildly red-pulled (central banking, police/political corruption, Balkanisation, Iraq etc.) but honestly? Pre-election I was still pro Hilary >.< EUAnon, they were, and are, so popular here. But was still learning, YouTube, websites etc. some good stuff & sites out there, but hard to find stuff and link it all together.
Then Q came on my radar Nov17 through one of those channels/blogs. Only started lurking 8chan March18. First notable recently ^^
It’s been a eye opener anons - my country has had the Catholic paedophilia scandals, but I never conceptualised the scale. Human trafficking? That it existed, yes, but to this extent? Operation Condor yes, but again the worldwide scale? Media bias yes, but MKUktra, Mockingbird etc? Never knew… This place has been an absolute mine of information, and seeing the links and the scale…
I could go on and on, but just wanted to say yes, eyes are opening worldwide…
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