>this is what I feel like sometimes.
>Most days it's really easy to trust, but I'd be lying if I said it was always easy.
Though I know it doesn't feel like it this is actually a good thing, blind trust is as perilous as blind ignorance. You SHOULD be questioning everything, such as if there even is a plan, so that way if it turns out there isn't one you don't become complacent, gullible, and easily misled into thinking there is. Actively seek out information to better your own understanding both of what's going on around you and in the world at large. Don't be afraid to ask questions of anything, no matter how 'stupid' the question might seem. When you stop asking questions you stop finding answers, and then you're no better than the normies you seek to 'enlighten.' Speaking of which, it is not necessarily the job of anons to play prophet and make predictions about what may or may not happen in the future, that is a road that leads only to egotism and madness (the future is a fickle thing, always changing due to the complexity of the machine that is reality and its many variables). You are not/should not be here so you can run around flaunting your 'advanced knowledge' of events to normies just so you can smugly say "I told you so!" in some kind of self-serving manner that lets you feel superior, the job of anons as I see it is to try and piece together what actually is happening behind-the-scenes (that can't be revealed to the public eye) so that way when the final curtain closes we can help explain what the fuck just happened to the normies who didn't even know they were watching a show. If you've ever had to explain the plot of a movie to someone who didn't get it, that's about the role we play in this grand scheme. Our purpose is to understand so that we may better help those who don't understand do so.
Basically don't try to predict how the movie ends, help people realize that there's a movie in the first place. We are guides that light the path and show others the way to reach the truth, not fortune tellers telling them when they'll arrive at the truth.