The flag was returned to us from the Battle Field at Tannenberg, France by a family friend- military honor given to our fallen as far as I can tell. Grandfather, always said “If we wanted to respect the families fallen we should pay respects to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris. After an Anon mentioned the Translation on the Tomb states it was a ‘French Soldier laid to rest at Champs Elysees’ avenue in Paris.
It took several weeks for it to sink in what that really meant.
So, this morning, I took that one hundred year old 48 Star Union Jack that was given to our family in 1918 from the Fire Place Mantle and smashed it into a thousand pieces. Grabbed that Flag, shook it out and flew it upside down at half-mast over our home.
So, my neighbor, Purple Heart recipient from Vietnam with missing fingers- came over to ask if anything was wrong. I retold the story of the two brothers that died in that war explained my two great uncles and my grandfathers’ account of what happened. We shared a tearful moment looking at that flag. I spent the rest of afternoon welding and beating out pieces of Iron and steel. I’ve been trying to restore that Old 78 Lincoln Continental. Later that afternoon, I walked across the yard and opened the garden gate to take one last look of that Flag flying at Sunset.
And as I looked across the yard, I saw my old neighbor, hoisting his flag at Half Staff and I just fell apart.
But it’s not too late to save my country! Brave men go to War and die. Power and profit, politician’s; manipulate, deceived and seduce. Lie, Cheat and Steal from the common man. Special clubs for special people saying all the while trust us, trust the plan.
…for that all mighty dollar.
You, see it’s time to release the Old Battle Flags. Let them Fly High, pull them from their frames and casing’s and release Liberty. Light the torches of freedom and storm the scarred halls of our forefathers. It’s time to hang that liberty cap on a pole and gather for battle, it is so very near. It is time to take our Country Back or fight and die and shed more blood for the Republic.
You see I am the fifth great grandnephew of Dr. Hugh Williamson, Signer of the Constitution.
And I do hereby call fourth the Sacred, Hallowed and Venerated dead. Come forth from your unknown tombs. To the sprints of the fallen hero’s from all wars, arise and fight with us, help us to save this great nation.
That is my Death face, this is my Ghost Dance.
We will never forget or forgive…and we are coming… and we carry a vast multitude.