Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.4935321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5369

Judaism for Non Jews–The Messianic Zionist religion that wants to recruit 7 billion members


‘It’s a type of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel without belonging to either…The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state…’

‘Jews possess an inner sanctity that draws them close to a divine level…The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah….’


ed note–the significance of the 2 paragraphs above that were lifted from the piece should not need a lot of elaborate explanation, but for those who are either newbies or else are still stuck in first gear when it comes to understanding the pathology of Judaism and what it portends for mankind, we’ll explain.

First, note that–according to the information contained within the piece itself–this is by no means some ‘fringe’ movement. It is funded directly by the Israeli government, ipso facto meaning that it is OFFICIAL ISRAELI GOVERNMENT POLICY TO TURN 7 BILLION GENTILES AROUND THE WORLD INTO WORSHIPERS OF THE JEWS AND OF THE JEWISH STATE.

Next, note that it is primarily the Chabad organization and its worldwide tentacles found in virtually every locale on the planet who are promoting this, making it BY DEFINITION a subversive Judaic 5th column organization whose job is to chew away, mouthful by mouthful, at any and all vestiges of Gentilism, and ESPECIALLY Christianity which Jews view as a form of Roman paganism. Also note that converts to this ‘new religion’ whose primary obligation is ‘adoring the Jews and the Jewish state’ are required to burn their own religious books as a testimony to their adherence.

Now, the question that MUST be asked in relation to all of this is as follows–

WHERE, OH WHERE are the ADL and other Jewish organizations warning about the dangers of a new cult of religious supremacists funded and supported by a national government out to take over the world who require their members to burn books? WHERE, OH WHERE are all the usual screechers and sirens warning about what is clearly Judeo-fascism and the danger that it poses to the ‘free world’?


Ofri Ilany for Haaretz

Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:13 p.m. No.4935328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5355 >>5515 >>5720 >>5922 >>6019

Venezuela Crisis: U.S. Has Painted Itself Into Corner




Venezuela has the dubious fortune of being located on the continent of South America, which the United States has treated under the so-called “Monroe Doctrine” as its exclusive zone of political, economic, and military influence. In practical terms it meant that whenever a Latin American government pursued a policy at odds with Washington’s preferences, it would be subjected to measures ranging from economic sanctions to outright military invasion.


Latin America became one of the many battlefields of the Cold War when several countries sought to leave the US shadow and align themselves with USSR. The US retaliation was harsh, and included the support for the brutal military coup in Chile, training of “death squads” in Honduras and El Salvador, support for the so-called Contras in Nicaragua, not to mention the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Once the Cold War was over, however, a relative peace settled over the region, with Cuba remaining the only hold-out against US power. Even the coming to power of soft Marxist “pink wave” governments in Venezuela and Bolivia did not seem to overly ruffle Washington’s feathers. But the current escalation of the US campaign against Venezuela suggests a revival of US activism in the region.

“Energy Dominance”


One might as well cut to the chase and state the obvious: Venezuela is not only a member of OPEC, it is also a country with the world’s largest known oil reserves dwarfing those even of Saudi Arabia. It is no coincidence that pretty much every country that has been on the US “hit list” in the last decade or so—Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Venezuela—is a major producer of hydrocarbons. Given that the global economy is utterly dependent on steady provision of hydrocarbons, US political control over these countries means a stranglehold over major industrial competitors to the United States, namely the EU and China. It also creates US jobs, once US oil companies establish control over the country’s oil fields. At the very least, should the effort to place the country under indirect US control fail, plunging it into chaos removes a competitor to struggling domestic US oil producers.

Monroe Doctrine Returns


The timing of the US escalation closely follows the visit by Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers to Venezuela during which the possibility of creating a Russian military base in the country was discussed by some media outlets. Given that Russia has by now established through the Syrian example that once Russian troops arrive in a country they are unlikely to leave no matter how great the US pressure, Washington may have decided to step up the pressure in the hopes of not only Russia but it’s other major competitor, China, from establishing themselves more firmly in the country. Russia’s Rosneft already has considerable presence in the Venezuela, assisting it with the development of its oil potential, and China has also made a number of investments in the country, though its economic footprint remains modest. Moreover, the US aggression against Venezuela sends a signal to the nearby Nicaragua, also a country facing increasing US political pressure, against pursuing a project of building a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans with China’s support.


Thus far US actions consisted of economic sanctions and apparent coordination of coup attempts to be carried out by elements within Venezuela’s military and security forces. It is still difficult to make out what the Trump Administration’s recognition of Juan Guaido, the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, as the country’s “interim president” was supposed to represent. Even by the standards of Trump’s current foreign policy team of Pompeo and Bolton, “recognition” of a claimant to supreme executive office who does not actually occupy said office is unprecedented. Not even in the case of Syria, where the US has been far more directly involved in attempting to overthrown its legitimate government, was any opposition leader “recognized” as the official representative of the country itself. Therefore one may conclude Guaido’s “recognition” was supposed to follow the military coup which Guaido probably promised and Washington clearly expected. It is also difficult to say whether Guaido overestimated the degree of his support within the military or outright lied to his American sponsors. Either way, the US intelligence community has once again failed at providing an accurate assessment of the situation within a country, as Venezuela’s military rallied around President Maduro.

Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:17 p.m. No.4935365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5474 >>5561 >>5777 >>6047

Twitter Divided After Jill Stein Bashes US Policy in Venezuela


Green Party ex-presidential candidate Jill Stein condemned Washington's policy in Venezuela on her Twitter account, saying that US policy in Latin American country is not about democracy at all.


"US has backed right-wing coups up and down Latin America for 100+ years. Not one was about democracy. All have been to enrich the global elite. But we're supposed to believe this time in Venezuela — which has the world's largest oil reserves — is different", wrote Stein on Twitter.

Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:25 p.m. No.4935445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5451 >>5461

How They Do It– ‘Roger Stone’s Arrest Is the Signal for Congress to Act now against Trump’


Intelligent 'anti-Semitism' for thinking Gentiles

The Ugly Truth




How They Do It– ‘Roger Stone’s Arrest Is the Signal for Congress to Act now against Trump’


Posted by TUT editor in Uncategorized on 01/27/2019




5 Votes



‘But now—now!—the country is in danger. Now—now!—it is headed by a president whose fundamental loyalty to the United States cannot be trusted. Waiting for Mueller has always been a slow option, and that slowness more and more appears a danger that the country cannot safely risk. It’s time for Congress to step in, not with a view to punishing the guilty, but with a view to protecting the security of the nation from the guilty, whether they are ever juridically punished or not.’


And who are all deeply, DEEPLY plugged into Israel’s Likud party, Israel’s intelligence apparatus and who were all in some way intimately involved not only with the events of 9/11, but as well, the disastrous ‘clash of civilizations’ that has followed, better known as the ‘war on terror’.

In addition to this, they are all deeply, DEEPLY committed to seeing Trump removed from office, and for the singular reason that he stands opposed to any new military adventures for Israel’s benefit and is dedicated to reigning in this Judaic mad dog before it blows up the entire world.

Also keep in mind, that an entire gaggle of geniuses, experts, and prophets, some of the ‘brightest luminaries’ in fact within the ‘9/11 trooth moooooovment’, find themselves in the peculiar and perplexing circumstance of standing alongside these aforementioned warmongering, Neocon Zionist Jews by lending their voices and their support in causing Trump as much discomfort as possible, thus assisting Israel in her drive to see this guy–



Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.4935461   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Cont. from images:

But how does this backward-looking justice serve the country now? The Mueller investigation has impressively suppressed all leaks. It has spoken only to slap down news reports it regards as incorrect and inflammatory, such as the BuzzFeed report last week that President Donald Trump had directly counseled his former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. The result of this praiseworthy discretion is that the main thing the country has to worry about—Trump’s obligations to Putin—remains wrapped in official silence. The prosecutorial mission is being carried out with textbook professionalism. Meanwhile, we are losing sight of the underlying purpose of the mission—to protect the country from a potentially disloyal president.

Through the election and to this day, the Russians have held damaging information about Trump, information that is only now being confirmed to Americans. In October 2016, it was an obvious inference that the Trump campaign was working with WikiLeaks. Now that obvious inference forms the basis of an indictment.

Many other inferences could be drawn today, but there is not yet public evidence to support them, and they are not yet lodged as formal criminal charges: financial connections between Trump and Russia, the sharing of operational campaign information, and other terrible possibilities, too.

The truth about these things is presumably known to Mueller and his team. To the extent that this truth is prosecutable, Americans will eventually learn more of it through further indictments and—if the next attorney general allows it to be released—a future Mueller report. Perhaps that will happen this year, or maybe next.

But now—now!—the country is in danger. Now—now!—it is headed by a president whose fundamental loyalty to the United States cannot intelligently be trusted. Waiting for Mueller has always been a slow option. That slowness more and more appears a danger that the country cannot safely risk.

It’s time for Congress to step in, not with a view to punishing the guilty, but with a view to protecting the security of the nation from the guilty, whether they are ever juridically punished or not.

Anonymous ID: 50498b Jan. 27, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.4935489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5496 >>5507


Diggers that's anon's who actually dig stuff not just sit around chatrooming find that it always leads back to either Zionist or Marxist Jews!


Then shitbags who are most likely paid to be here try to deflect by claiming it's nonsense