Valid and logical thought, Anon. I've also been thinking about the furloughed "non-essential" government employees. Would it be a possibility that, as they return to work, many of them are given notification of RIF procedure being started? Let's say I was an active participant in the Resistance, spending most of my day subverting the Administration's policies. I return from a month-long shutdown, get pulled into the office and shown the evidence they have against me. I'm told there is one chance of not being prosecuted - accept a permanent RIF layoff, along with a decent severance package, and sign an NDA to keep my mouth shut about it.
Two things prompted that thought in my head. The first being the anonymous op-ed in The Daily Caller by the Trump official talking about how so much more was getting done during the shutdown, and the other thing was seeing an article the other day that 14K IRS employees didn't return to work after the shutdown.
IDK - just spit-balling.