Dominoes. Venezuelan refugees move into surrounding countries that creates chaos in those countries including Central America. Eventually migrants that go north (because they're paid to go north) can create disorder all along the way. Even if we don't get huge waves of refugees, all the chaos and disorder could require intervention by the US, draining our resources and creating a major distraction here. Far-fetched but desperate people (and cabals) do desperate things
Just because we are waiting doesn't mean Q Team is waiting. War/LE consists of long periods of inaction and boredom. Interspersed with brief moments of action/shear terror. Q is doing the heavy lifting which means our job is even more boring because we don't get those brief moments. We're just digital grunts. Important but info is need-to-know-only, so we have to wait. Shit is going down and it's happening but most of it is behind the scenes stuff preparing for the big push. Patience is one of the most difficult skills to learn but all things come to he that is patient.