Anonymous ID: a80b2f Jan. 27, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.4937177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7224 >>7273 >>7494 >>7560 >>7579

Donald’s not going to let them get away with this, and neither with the voters.


President Trump, in an effort to end the shutdown, put forward a smart compromise bill. It died in the Senate.


The Senate also voted on Pelosi’s stopgap bill that would fund the government, but provided no cash for the wall. That also failed.


But what’s interesting to note is that six Republicans stabbed their supporters in the back by voting for the Dem’s toxic “solution.”


And possibly led to Trump having to make more concession than in wanted to for now to reopen the government Friday.


From The Hill:


Six Republican senators crossed the aisle on Thursday to vote with Democrats and advance a stopgap measure that would end the partial government shutdown without additional funding for President Trump’s proposed border wall.


GOP Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Susan Collins (Maine), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Johnny Isakson (Ga.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Mitt Romney (Utah) voted to advance the continuing resolution, which would have fully reopened the government and funded it through Feb. 8.


The measure fell short of the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster.


SHARE to get out the word these six senators need to be replaced!


We know the government shutdown is frustrating. But that does not mean we can give up our values, just to appease the D.C. swamp.


Democrats need to learn that they cannot hold our government hostage, just so they can pump more migrants into the United States.


These Republican senates come various states across the country. Some very conservative. But what do they have in common?


They are insiders who would rather side with the swamp than protect America.


We shouldn’t be surprised that Murkowski, Romney, and Collins betrayed the party. While Collins became a hero when she stood up for Brett Kavanaugh, she’s since returned to her true colors as being a secret Democrat.


President Trump couldn’t get funding before the midterms, because scum like this and in the House refused to fulfill the party’s promise.


Many of those anti-Trumpers in the House lost their reelections. Big surprise.


Perhaps these senators need to learn that they can’t get away with betraying their conservative base?


SHARE to get out the word these six senators need to be replaced!