I cant figure Stone out. He is good in the fact he will lead back to Assange, but is he doing this on purpose for that reason? He introduced Paul Manafort to Trump campaign, and also is mossad intelligence. I cant figure Stone's role right now
Thats my occams razor guess. Flipped now and beneficial FOR us
hahaha while I fully trust Q and the plan, and shills are stupid and only here BECAUSE Q is real…. some of these shills make me laugh my ass off for the creativity. Well done shills, well done
Nope, aint clickin that shit
Oh for sure. Once in awhile I chuckle at their memes. 5% of the time
Same. All we really know is he claimed to be the go-between between Trump and Wikileaks. Could go either way. He could have been trying to further create smoke for Trump Russia collusion… or it was always a trap to lead to Assange who blows the cover off Russia hacking (fuck you Crowdstrike).
Starbucks not paying rent in Trump Tower? what is Trump talking about lol
no SOTU tomorrow
Is it smart to do on on the same day he plans on declaring National Emergency?