Anonymous ID: ef898e Jan. 28, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.4939684   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KJV version 5:10… And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth….


Those raptured will be kings, tribulation knights, beheaded for not taking the mark, will be priests….and will reign on earth when Jesus restarts the world with 144,000 jews.

Anonymous ID: ef898e Jan. 28, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.4939824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The rapture occurs in two parts, those who were believers and killed for their christian believes and the second part is those that are still alive today. 6:9 shows the first part, the dead and buried are raptured up to heaven from their graves and ask God when their death will be avenged(God's wrath poured out). God says soon, I have to have the right numbering of those living to rapture and to seal the 144,000 to restart the world…then My wrath will be poured out on the world. Living Christians are not appointed to wrath and must be raptured before the seventh seal is opened.

Anonymous ID: ef898e Jan. 28, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.4939872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


13 Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”


14 I answered, “Sir, you know.”


And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.


The 144000 jews are sealed so they can not be killed and the living Christians are raptured, second part of the rapture, so God's wrath can be poured out on those that remain on the earth.

Anonymous ID: ef898e Jan. 28, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.4939926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The 144,000 are jews not Christians. Jesus came as a thief and saved ALL christians by taking them to Heaven( the rapture in Revelation 5 and 6). The 144,000 jews are spared to fulfill Gods covenant with the jews…."I will be your God and you will be my people". After 1000 year reign of Jesus the jews will face judgement day and be judged on their works. None will be found worthy by their works…no not one.