Anonymous ID: 23276e Jan. 28, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.4940477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0493 >>0498 >>0507 >>0564 >>0716

Dust The Plan: How QANON Put Trump's Base To Sleep, When He Needed Them "On Deck"


I try to see the silver linings in things whenever possible, and if there’s a positive to the QANON Trump populist base “pacification hoax” (as WikiLeaks has described it publicly), it is that it has somewhat alienated me from many Trump supporters, and has caused me to no longer identify as strictly one of them. They get some things right, and some things wrong.


What kind of person says “trust the plan” for 14 months as high level pedophiles remain completely free, and even attack their victims in some cases? (Ed.: See our last article about the connections between IAC chairman Barry Diller and John Podesta; IAC owns the Daily Beast, which has attacked our founder and other Pedogate researchers without cause.)


What kind of person believes, evidence completely absent, that leading truthers like myself and Alex Jones who have sacrificed much for the country are “Mossad-funded” traitors? What kind of person goes along with such knuckle-dragging idiocy?


And more important:


What does this QANON thing mean and how did we get here?


After being one of the first journalists in the US to cover John Podesta’s bizarre occult WikiLeaks released in late 2016, just weeks ahead of the Presidential election, I did not think we would be here more than two years later. (Podesta was, of course, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and a longtime Clinton insider.)


I thought the Podesta spirit-cooking and pizza reference stuff would go from fringe to viral mainstream within two months at the most, winding Podesta up in a thorough and swift federal investigation. Yet, this never happened. Instead, there’s some evidence that federal authorities may have launched initial inquiries into the private individuals—including researchers, journalists—who took it upon themselves to disseminate the Podesta WikiLeaks to a wider audience.


And just as the Pizzagate scandal began to reach fever pitch in the States, with me reaching more than 162,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel and with Alex Jones’ multi-billion views Infowars YouTube channel hammering away about the allegations of occult child trafficking networks tied to the Clintons and their wealthy globalist backers… a claim also made by conservative journalistic firebrand Andrew Breitbart just months before his untimely death, he specifically called out John Podesta as a cover-up operative for these child trafficking efforts…


Just as all this is starting to finally mainline in the public consciousness, they ban everybody. Alex Jones’ Infowars, both my decade old personal channel, and FULCRUM News’ company account.


And then QANON and its “bakers” (self-proclaimed analysts who unpacked the Q postings or “crumbs” to ever growing, oddly never censored YouTube & Facebook livestream audiences) moved in, taking up seemingly significant percent of the truth community’s mindshare—and attacking Alex Jones, myself, and other censored truthers close to the Pizzagate scandal, at a time we could least afford such attacks reputationally and financially.


Crazed Q followers waiting for riddles on 8chan, listening to “Trust Sessions” and other pacification nonsense to keep the base on the couch and not outside Yellow Vesting.


As the snakes close in on Trump here in D.C., Q followers say they “sleep well at night” thanks to its postings. Definite base pacification scam, in my view. Its attacks on de-platformed pro-Trump truthers should tell us all we need to know about its intent.


And for the record, their claims about me are outrageous and untrue. I’ve never taken money from any Israeli group, much less the Mossad, to criticize QANON. The QANON scam is simply outrageous to anyone with a good mind, or anyone under the age of 40 who has spent sufficient time online. These kinds of Internet impersonation scams, we’ve seen them all before. I guess the older Trump supporters haven’t. Their loss reputationally, not mine.


Trump truly is not on 8chan sharing riddles about the permanent security state, nor is anyone close to him, nor is anyone in a genuine position of political power. It is a scam.


Some of the Q supporters called me a loud “k***” in my livestream comments section, something that actually doesn’t bother me much at all, I guess because I don’t identify entirely as Jewish. I don’t go to Synagogue, I’ve never been to Israel, and the fact that Q followers have chosen to ridicule and focus on my deep personal faith reflects poorly on them, and whatever they believe about the complex world we live in.