Oh for God's sake let this shit rest. I would rather read FE bullshit.
I worked for one of the companies involved at the time. Trust me. They died. As did that glorious craft.
Oh for God's sake let this shit rest. I would rather read FE bullshit.
I worked for one of the companies involved at the time. Trust me. They died. As did that glorious craft.
Wait, everyone, I figured it out! Power forces knew JFK Jr would eventually be snuffed, so they faked the challenger disaster… Challenger completed its mission of placing a cryogenically frozen JFK Jr into orbit until he would be needed. The Challenger astronauts were set up with new similar identities in exchange for their silence… except the one that isn't around, he saw proof the Earth is flat and had to be disposed of.
JFK Jr was replaced by a body double and it was that double that went down in the plane.
Trump had JFK Jr brought back and unfrozen and is now waiting for the big reveal!
It is all so obvious now!
Oops I forgot, the Jews planned it all!