Anonymous ID: b3a521 Jan. 28, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.4940805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114 >>1528

Trump doubtful over border deal, says another shutdown 'certainly an option'


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President Trump during an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Sunday said that he is doubtful Congress can come to a deal over border wall funding, claiming that another government shutdown is "certainly an option" once the three-week funding bill comes to an end.


Trump expressed skepticism that a group of 17 lawmakers assembled to agree on a deal could achieve a bipartisan resolution.


“I personally think it’s less than 50-50, but you have a lot of very good people on that board," Trump told the Journal.


Trump during the interview said that another shutdown is "certainly an option," days after he signed a continuing resolution temporarily ending the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history on day 35.


Trump said he is doubtful that he would accept a deal that does not include the $5.7 billion in border wall funding that he has demanded, which Democrats have refused.


“I doubt it,” Trump said when asked whether he would accept a deal without the more than $5 billion. “I have to do it right.”


Trump also said he doubts he would accept a deal that traded the border wall funding in exchange for citizenship for a group of immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children, known as Dreamers.


A group of lawmakers from both sides of the aisle has been tasked with hammering out a deal that addresses the polarizing issues of immigration and border security. The group of 17 lawmakers is led by House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) and will meet for the first time this week.


“I’m going to remain optimistic," Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the group, said on Sunday, according to the Journal. "If you look at the impetus from both sides, the shutdown was a miserable experience for everybody."


"There’s a lot that tells me we may not get there, but there’s more that’s telling me we have the urge to demonstrate we can reach a consensus or we’re signaling to the American people there’s going to be two years of this [fighting] all of the time," Capito said.


Trump has indicated he will use his emergency powers to declare a national emergency to construct a wall along the southern border if Congress does not come to an agreement over the next few weeks.


Seems like Trump is setting the ground work for cave number 10

Anonymous ID: b3a521 Jan. 28, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.4940868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Justice And Foreign Policy Are In Chaos


Trump longtime friend, campaign manager, and self-described political dirty trickster, Roger Stone, was SWAT teamed and arrested at his Ft. Lauderdale, Florida home Friday morning shortly after 6 am. In a press conference after his court appearance that morning, after being charged in a 7-count indictment with lying to the FBI and obstruction, Stone said federal agents descended on his home in full SWAT gear with guns drawn.


“At the crack of dawn 29 FBI agents in 17 vehicles arrived at my home”, Stone said. “They could have simply contacted my attorneys and I would have been more than willing to give myself up voluntarily.” Stone said CNN must have been tipped off as they were the only media there.


This case is all based on unproven allegations of Russia hacking into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails and passing them on to Julian Assange. Assange has steadfastly denied this and in numerous interviews has said he received the e-mail on a thumb drive, not through a hack.


Seth Rich was the IT guy for the DNC and was a Bernie Sanders supporter who was angry about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s sabotage of the Sanders campaign.


Tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has said he helped Rich download the documents and e-mails and used Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, to deliver the information to Julian Assange. Seth Rich was murdered shortly after the Democrat Convention in 2016. Robert Mueller has never interviewed Kim Dotcom or Craig Murray. Why?


Shortly before Rich was murdered, an e-mail from John Podesta said they had a leaker that they needed to make an example of. Has John Podesta been questioned in the Rich Case?


William Binney, former Cryptanalyst Mathematician and Russian expert who set up the surveillance/data collection system and turned whistleblower, when he found that the FBI under Robert Mueller was using illegally collected data to spy on American citizens, including politicians, federal judges and even Supreme Court justices.


Binney has said there was no Russian hack and maintains that Robert Mueller should be in prison for the surveillance abuse he employed to entrap citizens without warrants.

*Why does anyone believe this Russian hacking nonsense when it came from an intelligence community that we now know was run by three of the biggest liars in Barack Obama’s criminal cabal—James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper, all of whom have lied to Congress!


Former US Attorney, Joe DiGenova, who wisely urged Trump to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and has called Barack Obama a Russian agent, called the arrest and show of force for a process crime by an individual with no criminal history, an embarrassment to the US Attorney’s office and called Robert Mueller a thug. He said those types of arrests are typically reserved for known violent criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists.

Anonymous ID: b3a521 Jan. 28, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.4940960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York’s War on Religious Education


New York State has opened to the door to a war on religious education. New guidelines from the state’s Department of Education are framed as applying to all “religious and independent schools” in New York, but no one is fooled. The changes are aimed right at New York City’s freewheeling Orthodox Jewish seminaries, known as yeshivas. More than 100,000 students attend yeshivas in New York City.


The new guidelines revisit the “substantial equivalency” statute that has kept the peace in New York schools since 1897. Non-public schools can educate their students as they see fit, provided the education is “substantially equivalent” to public schools. The new guidelines change the equation. Math must be taught every day. English, science, and social studies must be taught. Schools must provide samples of teaching schedules, textbooks, and lesson plans. Non-compliant schools risk withdrawal of funding for things like textbooks and transportation, and students ultimately could be forced to go to another school. Students that resist transfer risk being declared “truant” and legal steps to challenge parental competency could follow. The new mandates will be enforced by inspections from local school district officials.


The guidelines, wrote two Orthodox educators in the Wall Street Journal, are a shocking power grab by secular forces. They “empower local school boards to evaluate private schools and to vote on our right to continue educating our students.” The new curriculum requirements demand “so much time that it crowds out Torah study, our sacred mission.”


The controversy began when dissident former yeshiva students started raising concerns about the quality of their education. Members of the Orthodox community concede that some yeshivas need improvement. But when you’ve been in business for 1,500 years, give or take a few centuries, change comes slow. And as history as shown, it’s a very bad idea to tell a Jew how to run his religion.


New Yorkers of all stripes were quick to recognize the threat to religious freedom. Ed Mechmann, director of public policy at the Catholic Archdiocese of New York, wrote that the new regulations would “give local school boards virtually unlimited power over private religious schools. There is no protection against government officials who are hostile to religious schools or who just want to eliminate the competition.”


A majority of the New York City Council — not a group known for its theological fervor — complained in a letter to the state Education Department about the “unprecedented incursion into private schools’ curricula” and warned it to refrain “from threatening to remove student-based funding from schools that do not acquiesce to these guidelines.”


In New York City, the Orthodox community is a powerful political force, often delivering critical votes in closely fought elections. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio opened a probe in 2015 following complaints about sub-standard education from the yeshiva dissidents. But the investigation went nowhere. De Blasio’s own investigations commissioner, Mark Peters, looked into the controversy, only to be fired later by the mayor.


The new guidelines put the mayor back in the yeshiva hot seat and could revive the dormant investigation. They seem sure to ignite more controversy. School inspections are slated to begin in February. The yeshiva establishment says they won’t cooperate with inspectors, ditto from New York’s Catholic school leadership. That’s going to be a big problem.


New York City Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza told the New York Times he’s starting the inspections with yeshivas that have barred city officials or have been noted in complaints about poor education standards. Carranza said the de Blasio administration intends to “move aggressively and get this taken care of.”


Don’t bet on it.

Anonymous ID: b3a521 Jan. 28, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.4940995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114 >>1528

==HAITI 2.0-Clintons Travel to Puerto Rico to ‘Assist’ with Hurricane Recovery Efforts – Accuse Trump of Blocking Funds==


The Clintons arrived in Puerto Rico over the weekend to ‘assist’ the US territory in their hurricane recovery efforts.


This is Haiti 2.0.


The Clintons perhaps ran out of the billions of dollars they reportedly stole from the Haitians years ago after a devastating earthquake, so they decided to scam Puerto Ricans under the guise of ‘hurricane relief.’


The professional grifters spoke to local Puerto Rican reporters on Monday after a meeting with Ricardo Rossello, the far left Governor of Puerto Rico.


Bill and Hillary bashed the Trump administration and accused the President of stonewalling efforts to help rebuild the hurricane ravaged territory.


The Clintons repeatedly stated that Congress had already appropriated billions of dollars to help Puerto Rico’s recovery.


In reality, Puerto Rico’s leaders are corrupt to the core and President Trump accused them of trying to use “the massive and ridiculously high” amount of disaster aid to pay off their crushing debts.


Over the summer, a Puerto Rican Mayor and two other government officials were arrested on corruption charges that involve a total of $8 million in federal and local funds.


How can we trust any part of Gov when this is allowed to occur????