FY 2019 NDAA to Authorize $10M for AI National Security Commission
Jane Edwards August 21, 2018 News, Technology
A defense spending measure signed into law by President Donald Trump will earmark $10M in fiscal 2019 funds for a national commission that would assess how the Defense Department can leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence for national security, Sludge reported Wednesday.
The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence will operate with 15 members who will be named by several agencies and offices, including the members and chairs of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees as well as secretaries of DoD and the Commerce Department.
The commission will also review ethical issues and national security risks associated with AI and machine learning technologies.
The report noted that DoD requested in June to reprogram $70M in funds to set up a joint center to oversee AI efforts across services and combatant commands in support of the Pentagon’s warfighting missions.
The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center is expected to reach up to $1.75B in the next seven years, according to the reprogramming request.>>4941311