Anonymous ID: cddb19 Jan. 28, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.4941678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1708

Symbolism = END - Now you may be wondering why this would be the end? The answer is the bad people who have run the world for centuries have a language of symbolism that they use to say without saying. To say out in the open the truth, while speaking nothing but lies.


it's a flexible language, and it's not that any one thing represents a static word but that ideas (oft instructions) are conveyed through symbolism. ANYTHING WORKS: colors, numbers, poses, even things like hairstyles can be language to those who know the context.



Colour Coding System

Orange/Sunset = End

Red/Fire = Punish

Blue/Water = Info

Green/Trees = Ally

Yellow/Sunshine = Reward

Purple = Communication


Tiffany Blue = Secret Info

Brown Dirt = Nourish


Birth Order

Second (6 Letters)

Usage: Second Born in cult families often get in, first/third are often experimented on/sacrifices.



Anything with 6.

Eleven (6 Letters) - Twelve (6 Letters)

11 to 12 second mark to send symbolism codes

often shill videos leave winks to let cultists know the truth (making lead up serious but by 6:06 making you believe something stupid.


Shirts Coding System - Stripes "closed eye"

Usage: Differentiate between those in a cult family "aware" and "unaware"

Used through photos as a way to tell other cultists "not in the club yet" Colors of Stripes act under cult color coding system.


Animal Coding System

Snakes, Spiders and Owls are a few of the symbols that cultists define themselves with. Owls are symbolic of watching in the dark and they eat rats. Differences between animal behavior are used to differentiate types of cultists.


Sheep are how they view the normie masses that they Shepherd through life from birth till death. A cultist who flips can be represented numerically as a 9 (flipped 6) at which point they become a rat (which are seen by owls and eaten by snakes)


Animal: Frog = Change

Used to denote in symbolism a change - from one form into another. Really puts the Pepe thing into perspective doesn't it? Just how far ahead were the good guys thinking?


Hiding Six6es System -

Usage: Associating letters to numbers turns F into a 6- Facebook therefore is symbolic of a 6 and the symbolic icon is a facet - Water=Info code - thus Facebook is a water facet of information for the cult about you


Letter String Coding System -

People like Al Gore (6 letters total) Full name Albert (6) Arnold (6) Gore Junior (6) are another way to wink. It allows cultists to identify by name alone.


Letter Repeat Coding System

Double consonants like (M)arshall Bruce (M)athers or (M)ichael Francis (M)oore or (A)rnold (A)lois Schwarzenegger are winks that tell the media cultists PROMOTE ME. It's scary to dig through history and recognize it's always been that way.


Letter Orders Coding System

AB is a code for an experiment - usage in names Like Aaron Burr or company or promotion allows cultists to understand why the endeavor is unique in cult operations at a glance. They know it's new ground for the cult and to promote it especially


Posing Coding System

Usage: Taking photos to say without saying using charades (and thus avoid creating evidence through layers of abstraction) … in the QMAP these pics are next to- "Pictures unlock ‘deal' presented that was declined. Puppets going wild."


Hair Coding System:

This system is used to send message. e.g. a sacrificed boy may be given a bowl haircut and then the symbolic act of "eating (6) cereal (6)" is sacrificing him. Tho mostly it's used by women to communicate, often the name of the hairstyle has a double meaning


Gramar Coding System:

Through misspellings (like spelling grammar with 6 letters) Or DECLAS with 6 letters (as in cultist declassification) - or anything really like extra or lack of punctuation or incorrect letters. Our POTUS does this all the time on Twitter trying to teach it


after you have learned a few hundred (eventually thousands) of the cult codes you can go to places like Youtube and say "Oh, every major poster is a cultist, and now I can hear what they are saying"

As for what to check? SYMBOLISM=END - Thumbnails, banners, grammar, poses, timecodes… all the stuff I've talked about in the sticky - You'll realize many have flipped to the good side. Many cultists hated the system and flipped the first moment a way out presented itself

Anonymous ID: cddb19 Jan. 28, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.4941741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1763


It's my summary of a lot of cult related things. I worked hard to get it that small actually. To go over the thousands of cult codes would take many hours, you want to know cult coding? read it, and see the world for the first time ;)