Anonymous ID: 0e456d Jan. 28, 2019, 2:53 p.m. No.4943371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3740

>>4942390 lb

>"Why did New York pass a "Full Term" Abortion Law?"


Scripted play to bring lots of attention about ABORTION!!! Get conservatives riled up, get 'progressives' riled up … all to Set The Stage!


Next step is RBG death, and SC nomination proceedings (think Kav sex assault and substitute "Trump SC is going to repeal Roe Vs Wade" [but again, not that (((they))) care, they don't.]


It's all to scare/offend conservative women to vote DemonCrat in 2020! That's what its all about.


Q has taught us how to see events from a higher altitude and see how the cabal thinks/plans… NY abortion bill – RBG – Roe V Wade – Conservative Women flip sides in 2020 over 'pivotal' issue (Dems try to take back power)


btw…the tweet from John Titor? Isn't John Titor the time traveler from year 2036 that intersected our "timeline" ~1998 before heading back in 2001? …careful who you follow