Anonymous ID: 2e89e5 Jan. 28, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.4943144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3310 >>3346 >>3394 >>3506

The President’s Ten Sins of Omission


  1. The failure to curb the illegal actions of social media censorship of the only media that supports conservative candidates and the President. As Doug and Joe Hagmann are my witnesses, I addressed a person who has direct and regular contact with the President while we were at the Steve Quayle event in Branson, MO. in mid-September of 2018. I detailed for 35 minutes the social forum illegalities of Google, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Their infractions ranged from violations of open forum laws to anti-trust violations. The person I was speaking with took notes. I expected nothing to come from the conversation. However, in the next week, the President tweeted and spoke about going after social media and some of the phraseology was in evidence in Trump’s statements. Since then, the President has done nothing. This was over 6 weeks before the midterm elections. Had the President acted immediately, as he should have, the House may have been saved from a take-0ver of the Deep State Socialist Democrats. Without our full participation, the Independent Media was the deciding factor in the 2016 Presidential election. The proof in the pudding is what happened in the 2018 election as we were shadow-banned to death. Trump lost the midterm election when he failed to exercise his power as President to regulate the social media monopolistic gestapo.

  2. Obama and Clinton et al could be sitting in a prison cell today if the President had released the infamous dossier which would have shown illegal collusion between the Clinton Foundation and Obama as well as a lot of Deep State minions. The DOJ refused to release the files. Trump should have personally gone to the responsible department and fired and arrested one attorney after another until he found an attorney that wanted to keep his pension and freedom, who would release the documents. They would have made good reading at the scheduled State of the Union speech.

  3. Hillary and her 33,000 illegal emails are lowest hanging fruit that I have ever seen. And this the courtesy left behind by Comey and the FBI. Hillary has no defense and each offense carries a five year prison term. Why haven’t you prosecuted her Donald? You say the DOJ is not willing. Then you fire attorney after attorney, until, once again, you find and attorney who wants to save his pension.

  4. Robert Mueller is a criminal of the worst kind. He helped HSBC facilitate its money-laundering operations along with Hillary and Comey. This is so well-documented on this site. Also, it was Mueller who delivered the first batch of Highly Enriched Uranium to the Russians on behalf of Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation. I have published the two documents, one State Department and one Russian which independently confirms the allegations. If I can find this, why can’t Trump? And what about Mueller’s association with Mafia murder king Whitey Blodger? Again, this is low-hanging fruit and the President refuses to act.

  5. If Trump was not going to indict Mueller, then why hasn’t he fired him as Special Prosecutor? Why hasn’t he cut off his funding? Why hasn’t he given this phony Russian-collusion-delusion nonsense a deadline of he was going to shut it down. Not one indictment over collusion from Trump or his close associates in the campaign. All charges are off of Mueller’s mission which is illegal. Trump’s failure to fire Mueller has been his biggest short-coming. Two years of a nothing burger and the insanity continues and Trump has the power to stop it. If I were Robert Stone, I would be really pissed off as his deaf wife was made to stand on the concrete street without shoes at the time of Stone’s arrest.

Anonymous ID: 2e89e5 Jan. 28, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.4943407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3417 >>3850

When was Q's last post that related to actual intel?


Not just random pics and place holder BS.


Q said Trump decides the timing then he did nothing.


VIP Anon receives mail which has (((Q+))) indicating that Q+ is one of (((them))).


Q said we were at the Precipice on 21 September 2018 the perfect time to declas arrest the traitors and secure mid terms. But Potus did nothing.


Potus has done nothing about the FED, he's given high profile positions to the swamp, he's stopped ZERO wars and is about to start a new one, criminals are still free en masse, all the bad technology is still rolling as is silicon valley, voter fraud was allowed to occur, Israel is still being paid huge amounts of money everyday for nothing,


Was Potus the trojan horse who infiltrated the Q plan? Patriot generals removed, Q not posting any worthwhile intel for many months and no progress just false hope.


Are we to ignore facts and just blindly follow?