Anonymous ID: 6ee154 Jan. 28, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.4943976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4415

Lets say Qew is not a massive raging faggot larper, and we will bigly. Clean out 30-40% of the entire government. And restore the republic. (yeah right) Anyway lets aay we do, firat stwp is cutting off the turd world immigration. Fine easy to stop any more of the human detritus coming in but how do we get rid of the filth that already snuck in?


Are we gonna have to stomach to temove kebab? Will europe?

What form does kebab removal take in the modern USA?

Anonymous ID: 6ee154 Jan. 28, 2019, 3:43 p.m. No.4944045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4109 >>4220 >>4363 >>4532


you guys dont make sense, you keep maling these noises about niglets getting “trafficked” NOBODY KIDNAPS NIGGERS, not niggers and not Podestas. I am a LEO, I deal with 290’s all the time, they all almost exclusively go after white kids. Even CPS agencies openly brag about taking white kids (they get more money) they shuffle the niggrs off to nigger run “foster families”


sorry for the unvarniahed truth but its true, NOBODY wants ugly turd woders, you guys are delusional….