Anonymous ID: e50605 Jan. 28, 2019, 4:57 p.m. No.4944780   🗄️.is 🔗kun



that 21 days movie plot is certainly one meaning of it - I can tell because there are other films that get that result yet they have artificially made it so that the older film which that is the plot summary of gets the #1 ranking - that means they want to make sure cultists who search the term to se the symbolism code get the correct interpretation.


It could also be the religious thing - triple meanings and all that - but anyway the very act of building teh wall is not the mexico wall but the mexico (6) wall - as in cultists behind walls - if they aren't too evil and flip they get fences if not they get giant gitmo style concrete walls.


symbolism = end

Anonymous ID: e50605 Jan. 28, 2019, 5:05 p.m. No.4944871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4896

>>4944641 pb


it's complicated. Tho the general prevailing wisdom of today is pedophilia is a sign of cultism by sheer quantity of examples - the cult is super old and whether or not it's always been that way or whether it was common practice that only cultists still practice is another matter.


>>4944640 (You) pb


my more reasoned response after a bit more checking


my conclusions lead me to be very curious about the nature of his life - he's clearly coming from a family of cultists and it's possible there was some experimentation that led to his oddities - whether he was a blind eye to the cult or not is particulary fascinating to me… and his last work of writing he was working on is also very curious… I'm starting to think he may have been planning on revealing what he knew about the cult and was killed for it


very curious… and going into his sister… I see, "Rose" as in a flower - that's as typical a cultist name as you can get - and at around age 6 she would have been brought into the cult - yet at age 12 she would be kicked out for being retarded and incapable of using the symbolic language….. which most likely means that after a youth of being fucked her brother would be brought into the cult in her stead perhaps…. thus his artistic prose is a result of being fucked by the cult and then having his world expanded and allowed to succeed in it… the cult realized how experimenting on people could get interesting results like this and used his name as a code ever since… about right? I think I'm on the right track ; )

Anonymous ID: e50605 Jan. 28, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.4944958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5036 >>5149

what is my actual thoughts on pedophilia? I think it ruins childrens lives and should be outlawed and well enforced. - I also think society is in part to blame for some of it for sexualizing children and creating a world where cartoon sex and animal human sex and every other kind of sex is normalized has also contributed. However I'm not condemning the urges themselves nor people who may struggle to keep them in check - the act is what is abhorrent not the existence of people who may themselves be victims and thus are mentally scarred in such a way that they can't help a feeling - so long as it never turns into action I see no wrongdoing.


This is an important distinction anyway, also we'd have to lock up millons of virgins in japan if we truly outlawed all thoughts of it. fucking porn

Anonymous ID: e50605 Jan. 28, 2019, 5:19 p.m. No.4945036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5149 >>5171 >>5197


annendum… I'm well aware with the things that aer going to be coming out a lot of pedophiles who probably were forced in some way by the cult to engage in it may need forgiveness and understanding. This is the most complex of complex subjects - so I'm not taking a firm position so much as dialing back my rhetoric and condemnations as knee jerk as many others are. Last thread someone called me out for thinking in modern terms of what older times viewed as moral and I agree - but I also think it's so complicated I'm not ready to stand firm until I see more truth of the world about what actually is going on with the epidemic of child harm that exists. I suspect a lot of complex truths will need to be tackled - thankfully I enjoy complex morality so I'm eager to begin debates when the time is right.

Anonymous ID: e50605 Jan. 28, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.4945248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I felt a need to clarify my positions since I am monitored I'm not a pedophile but I do come from a cult family, and so I have a duty to be careful not to condemn a thousand things outside the actual harm done to children. due to societal programming (using pedophilia tapes + brainwashing that knee jerk reaction) - is one of the major ways the cult has power - we should overcome this but never normalize it - it's very bizarre how the cult goes both ways with that. I suppose it's because we live in a victimization society and the metoo movement - plus the war on men is why if a adult woman has sex with a young boy it's actually applauded by much of Hollywood… the crazy fucking world we live in eh?


there's a lot of complexity and true harm done to children - however we have also been brainwashed - I just wanted those who monitor me to know that I'm aware of the complexity of this issue and that I of all people should be careful in throwing my weight behind firm moral judgement s in this area given what I know about the things to come to light.


I don't want to harm the people who flipped on the cult yet may have engaged in some wrongdoing - it's a fucking monstrously complicated subject - so I wanted to convey my awareness of that and eagerness to engage in next level ethics debate. a next level where children aren't harmed of course : )