Faggot Baker
Whomever you were in the last bread that pissed me off, fuck you, your momma and yo gramamma.
Gonna have to start calling this bullshit 2chan, ffs, this garbage isn’t suitable for pol.
How Q brought 8chan down…
-Migrated boomers
-Migrated reddit fags
-Encouraged normies
TOO COME HERE..no wonder shit sucks balls..
Helllow jewfags…
You keep reposting the same bullshit and mostly reply to each other… thesis-antithesis faggots.. Fock Off
Granted though the Jewish Amish brethren has an IQ much higher and they’re much more humorous then you will ever be.. just sayin
Thank you, point made..
You’re retarded.
Fucking retarded toots wannabe, filling Freddy’s void in the shit show..
See what you do boomers…
You’re retarded behavior has excluded you from relevance.
There is one Freddy and one toots(rip)..
So fuck off kindly.
I’m aware of grammar faggots
Ignore pig dildo