For the Young Un's out there.
This video is of poor video quality, but it will give you a glimpse of what Life in America was like, back in the day, when white people could laugh at themselves and make a smash hit comedy series about their culture. Black American's could enjoy that culture just as much as evidenced by the people in the audience.
Imagine a time when male and female FRIENDS and coworkers could wrassle with each other and cop feels, and tell the world about it and laugh about it.
Take a peek into an era when we were FREE, we had FUN with each other cracked jokes about each other and enjoyed LIFE and each other. And enjoyed each other's quirks and getting along with people who weren't Exactly Like You.
THAT was America. People 30 yrs old and younger, I feel sorry for you. Your America has been Stolen and your True History Buried and another one created for you,telling you how bad and racist and oppressed people were 50 years ago. It is ALL LIES.
This video is a Time Capsule of a Better America that I hope has not been diluted and washed away by prosecutorial Political Correctness and rampant over-immigration.
Hopefully, for the younger generations, you can unlearn the lies of Racism and Sexism and all the isms and Learn how to LIVE again and Love Life Again.
The only way may be through old television shows that have not been banned by the NPCs of today.