Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 12:51 a.m. No.4949614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9628 >>9635 >>9679 >>9889 >>0011 >>0098

"The Tactics & Tropes of the Internet Research Agency": SSCI'S "Muh Russia" narrative defeated by DEM Alabama meddling

''Alabama election meddling DIGG'' 1-28-19


I recently updated the timeline for the "Muh Russia" Alabama Meddling to include certain events that took place PRIOR TO the Scott Shane's NYT story that "broke" the Alabama election meddling scandal (see "timeline" link below).


One of these events was the release on Dec 17 2018 by the SSCI of two reports on Russian election meddling, one of which is the 55-page report by New Knowledge entitled "The Tactics & Tropes of the Internet Research Agency" (IRA).


This release took place just ONE DAY before the Alabama scandal broke.


According to the SSCI, the IRA is supposedly a Russian organization that has been working hard to undermine American elections and more broadly, our attitudes.Interestingly, the IRA's perspective is amazingly similar to that of POTUS, Q team, and the patriots. So the accusations leveled at the IRA in this report are virtually identical to those now leveled at any American to the right of Chairman Mao.


The release of this NK report was designed to validate the claim of Russian meddling using (fake) research; Sen. Mark Warner "hoped the reports spur lawmakers into substantive discussions about legislation to regulate the 'Wild West' nature of social media."


Unfortunately, for the SSCI and its researchers, the Alabama scandal broke ''just one day later:'' New Knowledge was implicated in that affair, thus ruining their reputation and trouncing the SSCI's chance to justify the censorship of social media as a matter of national security.


For anons, the "Tactics and Tropes" report is a treasure trove of DIGG leads:


  1. Names of key plays for DIGGS. Some we know, some are new:

from NK: Renee Diresta, Kris Shaffer, Becky Ruppel, David Sullivan, Robert Matney, Ryan Fox

from Tow Center: Jonathan Albright

from Canfield Research: Ben Johnson


  1. Ammo for destroying the entire "muh Russia" narrative. Why? Because the report is invalid on its face. Real research includes sections for summary/background/methods/results/discussion. This report is 99% discussion (interpretation of already "massaged" statements–ZERO raw data). The "results" are titled "statistical highlights"; science anons, major Keks here (see CAP). No data, just description, no inferential stats at all. Even non-scientists can see what a crock this is.


  1. Insights into the Left's "study" of memes. An entertaining into how the Left views memes. Report claims that the IRA "relied extensively on memes," explain s what they are (Senators may not know: "can take the forrm of pictures, icons, lyrics, catchphrases, they are a sort of culture gene….a large part of the 100,000+ pieces of IRA visual content in the data set provided to SSCI were repurposed popular memes" (p. 50). See CAP.

Nice to know the Senate is so interested in our memes, anons (even tho they attribute them to Russian ne'er-do-wells).


Moar sauce

>>4925158 for an in-depth summary/chart of "Muh Russia" digg.

>>4332270 PB for an in-depth look at Jonathan Albright/TOW (in connection with WaPo Dec 10 hit piece); I may do another post tying the two together).

>>4913840 PB Alabama Election Meddling Timeline 3.0

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:03 a.m. No.4949666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9679


Not quite yet. I'm still shaking from working on the "Tactics and Tropes" thing but excited to see what you've come up with. These large posts are so complex; it takes me some time to recover, it's been hours. Glass of water would be good.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:18 a.m. No.4949721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9787 >>9889 >>9934 >>0011 >>0098


When I was working on the Tactics & Tropes (which I'd like to rename to "Tricks, Traps & Tropes"), I drew another line on your chart to a box with this report in it and the names Jonathan Albright (TOW Center) and Canfield Research, because they worked on the report. Maybe you would like to add? It's the "companion" report to Graphica/Cambridge, yes?


Re TOW: I did a big dig on TOW because it was cited by Wapo in their Dec 10 hit piece as doing "research" to support their justification for censoring conservatives. Interesting that this guy Albright shows up doing analysis on the fictional "Russian" meddlers. Makes it crystal clear that he is doing the same thing is both cases: not going after spies but conservatives.

See the link.


Re GGV: ran across it in some article. Guess they funded NK to the tune of $11mil. Probably a slush fund/laundering op so SSCI can say they didn't pay NK or others. I don't know exactly why they wanted to launder originally but now , I guess they're glad they did.


Ok, now I can read you stuff. My mind isn't racing quite so fast.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.4949822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9889 >>9934 >>0011 >>0098


Re European connection


Marshall Fund and ASD are pure DS–warlike Dems and GOPs come together to achieve DS goals. The people on the ASD council or whatever it's called–does it get any creepier than that???


There was another dig today (maybe the wine dig) where anons were saying that everything is beginning to converge–that you get the same key figures at the top.


They all seem to want to dump on Russia because it stands in the way of UN, EU, and Soros plans for one world gov.


Oh–and then there's that lawyer Adam Waldman, who brings in Julian Assange, Comey, the Dems on the SSCI trying to extradite Assange last July. Waldman seems to be into everything.


BTW, I don't think WALDMAN is on your chart yet, right? He's the big informant for the Daily Caller article I mapped on my TDIP chart.


Loose ends: VA donors, 8-10 donors to TDIP. how Soros gives to TDIP, and the TN campaign–is that the one connected to Matt Osborne?

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:50 a.m. No.4949853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No worries, no need for instant answers. You seem to be in better spirits, good. I tend spill questions or comments out because I'll have them in my mind for the moment and write them down before they leave. There are so many fleeting ideas and connections that come.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.4949940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9946 >>0011 >>0098


I'm running into DEFINITE overlap between the reporters/fake researchers who bash Q and those who write about Russian election meddling:


It's from these two guys–Craig Timberg and Tony Romm–but we are sure to find others.


Example 1: Biggest Q-bashing article of all. Spend 6 posts analyzing it:


Timberg, Craig; Eliz. Dwoskin, Tony Romm, Andrew Ba Tran


One of the "experts" cited also worked on the NK report for the SSCI (Albright at TOW).


Example 2:

"New report on Russian disinformation, prepared for the Senate, shows the operation’s scale and sweep"

Dec 17, 2018 <<<NOTE THE DATE

By Craig Timberg and

Tony Romm


"The report, a draft of which was obtained by The Washington Post, is the first to analyze the millions of posts provided by major technology firms to the Senate Intelligence Committee."………….


This is the report written just before NK got its ass handed to it the next day for election meddling.


THESE REPORTERS KNOW that the "Russians" = "the patriots". Kill two birds with one stone–shut up the patriots and frame POTUS as a Russian agent.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.4949949   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe! But actually, I think you're still in good shape. Your current map only takes up 2/3 of the paper in landscape mode. Prints out nicely. Room for at least 20 more rascals.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:33 a.m. No.4949971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0011 >>0098



I think this is where we're going to start seeing the reality of the the MSM = the C_A (or a contractor). All the really anti-Q reporters know one another, cite each each in their articles as experts. Will Sommer has written 20 anti-q articles at this point; when I look at his twitter he's on with people like Ben Collins, Jared Holt, and Travis View. Also know Alephantis. Geez, just this moment found a brand new article from him on the fire at Comet Pizza. KEK.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 3:04 a.m. No.4950073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess it's a different experience for everyone. Tonight was a really good night for me–lots of connections, stimulating posts, etc. But sometimes there's a dig that I can't relate to (or have no background on) and then it can seem uninspiring. But there are always good people around, lurking at least.

Anonymous ID: fc9fd6 Jan. 29, 2019, 3:12 a.m. No.4950117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0129


Anon, we have all had this experience, whether by chance or–more rarely–with a comp'd baker. But we are in the end not here for ourselves. And sometimes the things that do not get posted for me right away get posted later; maybe the time was not right initially. The frustration is part of what goes on here, as you must know. No one is indifferent to that. In the end, "it's all about the children." Kek.