Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.4951003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California The Voter Fraud Capital Of our country


#release the DHS report on voter fraud


Election Integrity Project California, Inc.

“As Goes California, So Goes the Nation”

Now is the time to work together to change the course of California!

September 18, 2017 Dear Fellow Californian,

For the past seven years, Election Integrity Project, Inc. (EIP), now Election Integrity Project California, Inc. (EIPCa), the latter a 501(c)(3) California public benefit nonprofit corporation, has been investigating and documenting statewide election corruption and fraud in California.

Today EIPCa is pleased to announce that Landmark Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm, has joined EIPCa as a legal partner to review the evidence gathered by approximately 7,000 EIP/EIPCa trained Observers and the EIPCa Data Research Team with a view to permitting EIPCa to aggressively pursue further actions as warranted.

To help end corruption in CA’s election process, donate at:

EIPCa is also pleased to report that Judicial Watch, which recently established an attorney/client relationship with EIPCa in the fight to hold California accountable for following federal voter roll list maintenance, sent a notice letter to the California Secretary of State and 11 California counties on behalf of EIPCa and other potential plaintiffs, stating, in pertinent part:

NVRA Section 8 requires states to conduct reasonable list maintenance so as to maintain an accurate record of eligible voters…

Congress enacted Section 8 to protect the integrity of the electoral process. Allowing the names of ineligible voters to remain on the voting rolls harms the integrity of the electoral process and undermines voter confidence in the legitimacy of elections…

[The] letter serves as statutory notice that 21 registered voters, Election Integrity Project California, Inc. and Judicial Watch, Inc. will bring a lawsuit against [CA] and, if appropriate, against the counties named in[the] letter, if [CA] does not take specific actions to correct these violations of Section 8 within 90 days.

Election Integrity Project California, Inc. (EIPCa) Now is the time to work together to change the course of California! 1 9.18.2017


After seven years of hard work EIPCa has the documentation required to support the legal action referred to by the Judicial Watch notice, as well as additional action on issues beyond the Section 8 violation. This means that EIPCa has what is required to expose every aspect of the corruption in California's election system.

But, as all of us know, Freedom is not free! Legal actions must be funded. Only with your help we can expose the travesty of justice that our election process has become.

Together, not only can we return to California citizens their voice in government, but we can also restore their confidence in the electoral process by ensuring that every lawfully cast vote is counted accurately and not diluted by unlawful votes.

California’s gain will be a gain for "We the People" of the entire United States. Why?

 Because California controls one fifth of the Electoral College votes required to win the presidency, the return of integrity to California’s electoral system is crucial for the restoration of a Constitutional Republic.

 The orchestrated corruption and fraud being used to destroy election integrity in California is a blueprint of action poised to be employed against every state in the nation. Exposing it will necessarily bring down the “media blackout curtain” and cause a journalistic firestorm of investigation across the nation. Other states will be alerted and prepared to fend off the assault on their own electoral process that has assuredly already begun.

 Highly publicized legal action in California will change the narrative from “there is no vote fraud” to “voter fraud is the perfect crime” made possible through loopholes in state and federal law, corruption and simple mismanagement.

YOU can be part of this great work and help EIPCa to continue to expose and repair California's corrupt election process by making a substantial Tax Deductible contribution to EIPCa today.




With your help EIPCa will be able to meet its initial budget target of $1million by


God Bless you, God Bless California, and God Bless the United States of America

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.4951075   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#Release the DHS Election Integrity Report


More Fraud in CA


The grid wouldn’t paste so look at the photo to see the states


Election Integrity Project Exposes Serious Flaws in California’s Voter Registration Numbers

Analysts at California’s Election Integrity Project (EIP) were not surprised last week by the results of a routine EIP data audit. The audit compared voter registrations in California’s new “VoteCal” voter registration database to the eligible-to-vote population in each county. Results? Eight California counties have significantly more registered voters than eligible voters.

One explanation is that VoteCal registration numbers include both “Active” and “Inactive” registrants, each with a unique Registrant ID number. Inactives are persons who are not sent voter information due to lack of recent activity but have not been removed from the voter rolls and remain on the list. Inactives may be deceased or have moved, yet they remain on list. Some counties, such as Los Angeles, co-mingle their Actives and Inactives on their Election Day rosters, thereby listing thousands more potential voters than are eligible. Because California has no voter ID requirement and relies only on the “honor system” for voting, listing persons who are not eligible to vote increases the risk of voter fraud.

“The VoteCal database was finally certified last year by the Secretary of State, yet he failed to correct the registration overages prior to certification,” said Linda Paine, EIP’s President. “The fact that volunteer analysts performing a routine audit exposed this problem underscores EIP’s serious concerns about the integrity of California’s election system.”


Active Registrants*

Inactive Registrants*

Total Registrants*

Total Eligible Persons**

% of Eligible

Registration Overage

Los Angeles







San Diego







San Francisco














San Mateo







Santa Cruz





















source: California Secretary of State VoteCal voter registration database 4/6/17. *source: California Secretary of State Report of Registration 2/10/17.

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.4951257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1269

Yellow Vest Leader Calls for ‘Uprising’ After Key Activist Shot by Police


29 Jan 2019



A leader of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement has called for an “uprising” at next Saturday’s protest, following the severe injury of one of its major figures over the weekend.


The protest last weekend, dubbed “Act XI,” saw 69,000 participants across France, with 4,000 in the capital of Paris. One of the major incidents involved prominent figure Jerome Rodrigues who was shot at by riot police with “flashball” rounds which resulted in the activist being seriously injured, facing the prospect of losing one of his eyes, Le Figaro reports.

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.4951280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1314

She has no proof but keeps on repeating g her lies. I’ve got a novel idea, let’s call for impeachment of Maxine Watery Ass


Maxine Waters: I Have No Proof, But I Believe Manafort Was a Russian Plant in the Trump Campaign


28 Jan 2019

Monday on MSNBC’s “All In,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she has no proof, but she believes Paul Manafort, who was campaign chairman for Donald Trump from June to August 2016, was planted by Russians.


Waters said, “At the center of this question about whether or not the president colluded with Russia or Putin or the oligarchs et cetera is the question of sanctions. We know that Putin wants these sanctions lifted. I’ve said from the beginning that I believe, and I don’t have the proof, but I believe that Manafort was sent to the campaign to be there to ensure that they get Trump elected in every way that they possibly could, and this is in exchange for him lifting the sanctions.”


She added, “Don’t forget, our president has said that he believes the sanctions should be lifted one way or the other. So I just believe that Mnuchin is, of course, guided by the president. They’re all a part of, you know, this relationship that they have with Russia and with Putin and with oligarchs. I mean when you take a look at all of the allies of this president that’s involved in this whole question, you cannot help but ask yourself what’s at the bottom of this? And I think it has been asked more than one time, why are they all lying? I think it’s about sanctions. I think it’s very important for us to continue to pressure, to get those sanctions continued and enforced and not to do what we have just witnessed they are trying to do, and that is being involved with delisting on these sanctions

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.4951304   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good now let’s start one for Maxine Watery Mouth


CONGRESSWhite House Petition to Remove Nancy Pelosi From Office Approaches 100,000 SignaturesPublished 11 hours ago on Jan 28, 2019 By Richard Moorhead


A White House ‘We the People’ petition calling for the impeachment of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is quickly approaching 100,000 online signatures as of Monday.


The petition, created by a citizen who provided no information other than the initials of “M.G,” accuses Pelosi of being a traitor to the American people who is beholden to the interests of illegal immigrants. Pelosi led the recent government shutdown, refusing to work with President Trump to provide wall funding while making federal workers go unpaid for their services for more than a month.


“Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens. Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe. Pelosi refused to meet with Angel families, caused the government shut down then traveled on US dollars to Hawaii and Puerto Rico while 800,000 Fed workers don’t get paid, and uninvited Trump for SOTU. IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!”


The process for impeaching a Speaker of the House is theoretically the same for every single member of the chamber. It takes a 2/3rds majority vote to strip membership in the House from an elected member- making it unlikely that the Democrat-controlled house could act upon this petition, regardless of its popularity among the American public.


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The ‘We the People’ petition system was created in the early days of Barack Obama’s presidency, and nominally the executive branch is supposed to provide an official response for every petition that gathers more than 100,000 signatures. The promise of guaranteed Presidential responses to popular petitions seems to have generally fallen to the wayside since then, however, in great part because of a series of popular petitions created by conservatives that were politically inconvenient for the Obama administration to recognize.

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.4951323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FREE SPEECHEXCLUSIVE: ‘MAGA Hat Rally’ Planned At CNN Headquarters In AtlantaPublished 14 hours ago on Jan 28, 2019 By Patrick Howley


Main Street Patriots’ MAGA Hat Rally is scheduled for Saturday February 16 at CNN headquarters in Atlanta.


“Trump’s Red MAGA hat is under attack by CNN and the radical left. They have equated the MAGA hats to KKK white hoods and other such nonsense,” say the protest organizers.


“Please come to CNN and join the MAGA Hat Walking Rally. Wear your hats and bring pro-Trump signs. We will be walking around CNN Center. We want to show that we are freedom loving Americans that love our country and that we will not be intimidated into not wearing the hats,” say the organizers, with tea party leader Debbie Dooley running point on the rally


CNN headquarters is a spiritually chaotic environment.


Trending: Antifa Member Killed After Pulling Gun on Cops at School


A man was captured on video sprinting across an intersection and sucker-punching a President Trump supporter who was peacefully protesting outside CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia during the divisiveness of Brian Kemp’s victory inspiring Stacey Abrams to agitate in defeat in the gubernatorial race.


Even though the victim — a man from Clayton County, Georgia — declined to press assault charges, Atlanta police arrested and booked the assailant for disorderly conduct.

Anonymous ID: 297f92 Jan. 29, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.4951346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I hate PP


SANCTITY OF LIFEPlanned Parenthood Introduces Chatbot for Teens, “Roo”Published 19 hours ago on Jan 28, 2019 By Sonny Joy Nelson


The largest abortion provider in the nation released an anonymous chat program for teens to ask their sexual questions.


“Roo” is Planned Parenthood’s latest attempt at connecting with young audiences, that only works on the mobile version. Meant for ages 13-17, the chatbot provides lists of pre-written questions related to sexual health. Some of these questions include:


“When are you no longer a virgin?”

“How do I come out?”

“What will happen to me if I masturbate too much?”

“What’s the best method of birth control?”




Trending: Antifa Member Killed After Pulling Gun on Cops at School


“Since so many teenagers get health information online, the artificial intelligence-powered bot is meant to give fast answers in a judgment-free, anonymous setting in a manner that’s comfortable for the audience — instead of kids going to unchecked online sources or YouTube for important information,” according to AdAge.


Planned Parenthood’s continual partnership with Work & Co comes after the two groups created a website dedicated to tracking President Trump’s policies