Boy, that is one guilty assed look after the payoff. She's dumb as a box of rocks, Busted!
Boy, that is one guilty assed look after the payoff. She's dumb as a box of rocks, Busted!
>I believe out of 26,000 IRS employees, a full 14,000 never returned to work.
Need sauce for that claim. That said, remember that approximately 5,000 new IRS agents were hired to enforce the obamacare mandate. With the demise of the mandate, they would be grossly overstaffed. Hell, 5,000 IRS salery's would fund the wall!
>Holy fuck Wyden is a shitsucking piece of garbage…
Yes, yes he is. He is also an Israeli citizen, and for many years was the only member of congress to pocket the funds he was given to have a toll free number for his constituents. Had to pay long distance fees to call his office for years before the internet.
>Why on Earth would BuzzFeed need 1,666 employees for a digital blog?
Shill headquarters, funded by MSM black hats. Plausible deniability. Lost all their leakers during shutdown. Boards, comment sections, blogs, all wise to shill tactics and techniques. Insert cop pointing where to take that shit.