>1d860c (6)
<this bot
ok, i'll admit, 1d860c (8)
not 100% you're a bot.
it's that or an absolute lost-cause of an insane freak.
either way, your endless constant spamming is no less wasteful than muhdick's "contributions"
<"inextricable from slavery"
meme idea: images of BLACK slavers, MUSLIM slavers, JEW slavers, flying the conf flag
it's so sick that the BBC still stands in the UK, even today.
that ship should have sunk with the Savile story, at the very least
>Maine is a small state
Lybia is pretty big and half-empty after the damn mess Hussein & Co made.
Why not send them there?
Make Lybia Great Again
anyone seen some
> 'deepfakes'
that came even close to being convincing?
i'm still waiting for something better than uncanny valley tarkinโฆ it ain't happenin
that's the big lie on deepfakes: they aren't.
it's all about seeding doubt, imposing a narrative.
but in reality, it's like the Koi fish lie that CNN did about Trump in Japan: they edit the video and lie, despite looking like complete fools to anyone who can see the unedited video.
problem is, that's still a minority, as most just go with the MSM flowโฆ
Just throwing us a small bone won't be enough to detractโฆ
even releasing ALL the cures might not be enough to prevent the righteous wrath, but worth a try
> because that is the trend for such crimes, where herbalists ask people to get these human parts for money rituals
how about induced coma?