Anonymous ID: 368a45 Jan. 29, 2019, 9:43 a.m. No.4952632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2718


(PB) for the pb lb fags


I’ve been going back and forth on this issue for a while and cannot fully reconcile myself to supporting either position.


Logic for NP and CS doing a bit part in the plan:


Q compares what we are seeing as a movie and we are to enjoy the show.


We have been told for years that the Q team has everything and the R’s that’s retired did so when confronted with evidence. Many were given a pass (for now) if they quietly got out of the way.


We know many prominent Democrats have amassed a personal fortune using extra-legal means and are indictments waiting to happen.


Trump tweets indicated he wanted Pelosi to become Speaker. We know Trump is no dummy and when he advocates for his main opponent to his agenda, there is something more to the story. He either thinks he can wipe the floor with her and enjoy the victory (read Art of the Deal) or she is a part of a larger strategy, or both.


It’s easy to think NP and CS are operating as irrational opposition upon orders from white hats.


But ——


The other side:


Prominent Dims have switched their position on most main issues to one that reflects a globalist agenda. Since we know there are rich globalists, namely Soros, who have been actively promoting those issues, it’s not hard to imagine Soros is upping his game (he is getting old and nearing end of life too). Look how hard libtards have pushed on gender issues. They think the general population is ready to accept globalization and socialist rule.


Trump represents a fatal threat to their plans and to their money and lives. They HATE everything about him and everything he represents. They are pushing their agenda hoping to just bulldoze over him.


D And R politicians who drank the koolaid and took bribes are stuck or they will be suicided. Chuck and Nancy may not like the positions they are instructed to take, but they have no choice. They have to follow instructions — just like the MSM do or they will be taken out of the way.


Again, because Trump represents a threat to the overall globalist agenda, they hate him and everyone who helps him.


So, here’s the problem. Chuck and Nancy appear to be controlled, but who is doing the controlling? I hope it’s the Q team calling the shots, but I fear it’s still Soros and/or a globalist cabal.


Don’t know, but still trying to enjoy the show as Q asks us to do.


I will continue to dig, meme, and pray.

Anonymous ID: 368a45 Jan. 29, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.4953212   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If the left could parade her at the SOTU they would like nothing better. Considering RBG anti-Trump statements, I doubt she would be there even if she was in good shape.