Anonymous ID: 5eb2df Jan. 29, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.4953004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Monetization Vs. Depopulation - The World's Narrative Until Something Breaks


In contemporary, post world war II times, the process of depopulation is the declining number of births pitted against significantly longer life spans of the existing population. Given this, depopulation starts from the declining quantity of young and slowly works its way up the population. So, as depopulation is taking place, it is tracked by declining births, and eventually by declining 0 to 64yr/old populations vs. still expanding 65+yr/old populations. Outright depopulation only takes over once the declines among the under 65yr/olds outweigh the ongoing growth among the 65+yr/olds.


In 2011, there was one state plus Puerto Rico that experienced outright depopulation. However, by 2018, that number has increased to 9 states(Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, West Virginia, Wyoming),plus Puerto Rico that are outright shrinking (chart below).

Anonymous ID: 5eb2df Jan. 29, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.4953060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3088 >>3124

Senate advances anti-BDS bills as Congress resumes work after shutdown


Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act now goes to the House; would protect states targeting Israel boycotters, enshrine military aid to Israel in law


The United States Senate overwhelmingly passed controversial legislation on Monday to curb boycotts against Israel, its first move since returning from a several-week government shutdown.


The Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act, known as S.1, advanced in the upper chamber by a vote of 74-19.


The package included the Israel Anti-Boycott Act and the Combating BDS Act, bills that are both supported by most major Jewish organizations but vehemently opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and J Street on the grounds that it violates free speech.


While the Israel Anti-Boycott Act would make it illegal under federal statute to boycott the Jewish state, the Combating BDS Act would grant federal protection to the 26 states that have already passed similar laws targeting Israel boycotters.


The act also incorporates a separate measure to codify into federal law an agreement for the US to provide Israel with $38 billion over 10 years in security assistance.


The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Obama administration, and has thus far been upheld by the Trump White House, but could be torn up at any time. Codifying it into law would protect the aid over the life of the agreement.


The act also included separate measures to aid Jordan’s government and Syrian civilians.



Anonymous ID: 5eb2df Jan. 29, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.4953079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3176

California’s Largest Utility Goes Bankrupt Under Billions In Wildfire Debt


Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), California’s largest utility company, filed for bankruptcy at midnight on Tuesday, seeking to escape potentially $30 billion in liabilities, CBS News reports.


The company announced its plans to pursue bankruptcy protection two weeks ago after its CEO, Geisha Williams, stepped down reportedly over fallout from the utility’s wildfire debt. PG&E said then that bankruptcy “represents the only viable option to address the company’s responsibilities to its stakeholders.”


PG&E is seeking $5.5 billion in bank loans on top of a $10 billion loan granted by the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco Monday to carry the utility through the bankruptcy process while continuing to serve its roughly 16 million customers, according to CBS News.


The bankruptcy may leave ratepayers and wildfire victims worse off. PG&E will be free from paying off damages from wildfires sparked by its equipment, and the utility may raise rates as part of its financial reorganization, CBS reports. (RELATED: California Faces New Energy Crisis As State’s Largest Utility Files For Bankruptcy)


Investigators found that equipment owned by PG&E sparked at least a dozen major fires in 2017. California officials are still investigating the causes of several major 2018 fires, including the Camp Fire that killed 86 people and all but destroyed the town of Paradise.


Some have attempted to blame global warming for PG&E’s bankruptcy, and Williams said the company was under pressure from “climate-driven extreme weather.”


The Camp Fire and wine country fires of 2017 “were associated with a failing and poorly maintained power infrastructure, strong Diablo winds, and people living in inappropriate locations on the wildland-urban interface,” University of Washington climate scientist Cliff Mass told The Daily Caller News Foundation Jan. 15.


The California legislature took steps in 2018 to limit the company’s liability for 2017 fires by passing a bill that many criticized as a “bailout.” The law allows PG&E to hike rates on its customers to pay off liabilities for 2017 wildfires. The legislation did not affect potential liabilities for 2018 wildfires.

Anonymous ID: 5eb2df Jan. 29, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4953111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3137

Iran attacks Israel in cybersphere ‘daily,’ Netanyahu charges


PM hails Jewish state’s prowess, says it monitors and foils all of the Islamic Republic’s attempts to penetrate its defenses


Iranian hackers target Israel every day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged at a cybersecurity conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.


“Iran attacks Israel on a daily basis,” he told a gathering of government officials, cybersecurity experts and entrepreneurs at the CyberTech conference. “We monitor these attacks, we see these attacks and we foil these attacks all the time.”


Israeli officials have long accused Iran of seeking to hack important systems, as well as voiced concerns that it could try to meddle in the April 6 elections. The Islamic Republic has also been named by other Western powers as a rising force in cyberwarfare.


Meanwhile, Tehran’s nuclear program has reportedly been the target of several powerful attacks by Israel and the United States,


In his Tuesday speech, Netanyahu also hailed Israel’s cybersecurity experience and general technology prowess, saying they created diplomatic inroads for the nation.


“Every single county is talking to us about cyber,” Netanyahu said.


“That does not mean we share with everyone,” he added, but Israel has a policy to cooperate with governments and other organizations. “It is important to continue cooperation for defense.”


Israel’s cyber industry is second only to that of the US, taking 20 percent of the overall venture-backed cyber investments worldwide, according to an analysis by PitchBook and the Start-Up Nation Central database.


Netanyahu singled out airlines as the most vulnerable, via ground control hacking or interference with systems in planes.


“Civil aviation requires the most immediate treatment for cyber defense,” he said. “But it is one of hundreds.”