take me in tender woman
Anon, it's possible given the number of
anti-Zionist Jews (25% of Jews that voted in the USA 2016 voted for DJT, which puts them in FEMA camp range along with the rest of us; that wasn't a "kike trick" by THEM. They are patriots anon, and folks like Stephen Miller will hang if we lose and I will be proud to hang alongside him and anyone that wants to MAGA) that that chap is secretly one of us…
In Israel there are Jews that are sick of it all as well. Is it dangerous to express discontent and rebellion against the Rothschilds and the rest of the Cabal?
Or maybe he is what he appears to be.
God Bless POTUS.
+Pater noster, qui es in caelis: Sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum: Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed +libera nos a malo.
Our Blessed Lord IS a Jew anon, an actual Semite of the right blood in all senses.
In His Sacred Humanity the Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity is a "Jew".
His Immaculate mother whom He fashioned is a "Jew", so was his foster father, the last and greatest of the Patriarchs, St. Joseph - a man's man.
Be careful whom you follow.
You ever see that movie from the late 1970's I think it was anon, "COMA"?
Always stuck with me that one.