Do fake nazis flood 4chan?
Is 4chan controlled?
How is 4chan controlled?
Does this board "get" the identical "anons" that 4chan "gets"? Same "nazis"?
Are "debates" with these "nazis" organic?
Do "anons" migrate here to recreate 4chan here, for some reason?
Why would that happen?
How would it ever seem organic?
Why is 4chan reproduced here?
How do cultures change and develop?
Why didn't the BIG CHANGE that Q entailed result in a newer culture on THIS BOARD?
Why did a rigid facsimile of chan culture get rammed onto this board? Organic?
New things usually lead to new cultural developments– how did the newness of Q provoke RIGID ENFORCEMENT OF THE SAME OLD CRAP? Is this organic?
If 4chan is controlled, and this board is identical to 4chan, what is this board?
if 4chan is controlled, and reddit is controlled, and the identical narratives and talking points are consistently pumped out, machine like, to each and all, and to [here], then what is this board?
Where are you HUMANS?
When will you WAKE UP AND FIGHT?