Anonymous ID: a526f3 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.4953630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(2015 - to - 2019) "Future Proves Past" = 4 yrs of (Context)

Trump - Russia Espionage Trap

→ The Plot is DEEP & Thick.

(Analysis for Context of Current Developments)

1st: READ - (Roger Stone Indictment Doc.) - Really, Must Read.

  • Characters:

  • (Roger Stone) - Political operative going back to (Nixon Era)

  • Smart, Calculating, Crafty-Dude. (Not a Dumbass)

  • (Company 1) - Crowdstrike (hired by DNC to analyze "hacked" servers)

  • [DS] - "Tech" Asset

  • (Organization 1) - Wikileaks (Bait)

  • (Head of Organization 1) - (Julian Assange) (Bait)

  • (Person 1) - (Jerome Corsi) - Long shadowy pol history

  • (Person 2) - (Randy Credico) - Radio host in NY - Interviewed JA


  • Indictment Synopsis (extremely simplified):

1: Roger Stone lied in his testimony about details of his comms with (Persons 1&2).


2: He attempted to suborn the perjury of (Person 2 - Randy Credico) or at least obstructed justice by trying to get Credico to plead the 5th; so he wouldn't contradict Roger's testimony of no documentation of comms between them.


3: He lied about possessing comms evidence to turn over to investigators.

→ If he knew there was evidence (texts & emails) why would he lie? He HAD to know investigators had copies of his comms.

→ Charges: lying under oath & obstruction of justice


(Important - Compare & Analyze)

1: Stone's indictment doc clearly states there are documented comms he possessed but said he didn't.

2: Again, Stone is not stupid. Think back over his (very public) actions & statements going back to 2015. Remember how emphatic he's been & how insistant that he had (nothing to hide).

  • Compare that to him lying under oath.

Hold that thought. (Remember Gen. Flynn) Ruminate a little.

(Now) → Don't get Triggered.

Travel back to (Dec 2015)(Interview linked, not embedded)

  • Alex Jones 30 minute interview with (Then Candidate Donald Trump)

  • Actually a pretty good interview, AJ's interruptions not withstanding.

→ DJT comments in the interview: (It was Roger Stone who suggested he go on the Alex Jones show.)



Gen. Flynn - Sentencing postponed till = Mar 15th

Paul Manafort's - Feb 8th sentencing cancelled

Roger Stone - Indictment (Directly Connected) to:

  • Wikileaks Documentation ref:

  • DNC comms.

  • Podesta comms.

  • HRC / State Dept. comms

  • BHO Admin comms



Pattern? Just pondering possibilities using this suggestion from Q.


Think logically.

How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

Who has everything?

Methods which info collected/ obtained?

Admissible in the court of law?

Anonymous ID: a526f3 Jan. 29, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.4953947   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Texas does it right again…

>Forgotten veteran gets thousands to honor him at funeral.


Guess what.

Seems so many anons are trying to watch that story it's crashed the streaming ability on that news site right now.