here are the internal standard runs? would you like to see the sample runs..pretty cool stuff
now that fucking kek
here are the internal standard runs? would you like to see the sample runs..pretty cool stuff
now that fucking kek
it means we get the more bullshit
and its free..cant buy me..and that scares the hell out of should..
why do you think they danced on the ridge..fuck..I wouldn't go 5miles of that place
pretty cool data set..shadow
did you think it would end with Leonard Peltier
we will dance
what ya going to do when they come back?
the stupid fuck that just left the core samples on the SWR.hes the one You're really after
now gas light me
going to do some more drilling in Venny I see..
did you get some experts to look at that MS data..
you guys really are stupid fucks
your a minimum wage computer hack
The really cool part is that all that instrumentation is self powered in a vacuum..sound familiar
so why all the dead Indian women in BC?
I hear you guys have a farm