tl;dr : appointing neocon en-masse is a bad news. The total change of direction could be only apparent and destined to be called into question at the end of the deal. The government position on Venezuela is unacceptable and set the stage for the destruction of the whole Caribbean basin.
Friends, we're approaching the most crucial moment : are all the leaks going to happen with a 1 year delta ? Was it all a lie ? Or did they give up ?
Because if nothing is happening soon my friends, we are going to see a remake of the "civil war in the middle east", now involving south american countries… And let me tell you that the wall will be greatly needed when neocons and transnational companies will destroy everything in these non-globalized countries in order to take full control of their resources…
I hope, I sincerely hope Donald is doing a huge gamble, that he is going to kill these nefarious projects before they go alive. I really hope he is going to expose these warmongers. I hope they are not going to rage a new war in Venezuela, it would be the worst thing ever and the sign that we lost.
More :
They planned the destruction of PDVSA, the company redistributed its profits to the poor of the country. Now it's illegal for US companies to pay for Venezuelan oil : the payment must go trough the self proclaimed new president… They are not going to "redistribute wealth", it's all bullshit. Lima group, US etc, they are going to kill the civilians like what they've done in the middle east…