Anonymous ID: 3e75a8 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.4954880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4948

>>4954640 lb #6325

heck they must have a steel rod shoved up his backhole to keep him sitting up right, not floppy like..


so if ruth was born a boy, what male name might he have been given that could slyly be shifted over to female 'Ruth'

Anonymous ID: 3e75a8 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.4954889   🗄️.is 🔗kun








  1. YOU shall love, honour, cherish and obey the Lord your God (love, good and truth) with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength and Him ONLY shall you serve and OBEY, forsaking ALL others.


  1. YOU shall NOT create an image or likeness of ANYTHING that is IN HEAVEN, or on earth, or under the sea and YOU shall NOT worship or BUY such things. YOU shall NOT bow down to them or serve them for I the "I AM" your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate (or disobey) Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love (and obey) Me, and KEEP My COMMANDMENTS.


  1. Honour your Father in Heaven and KEEP His COMMANDMENTS; LAWS; Statutes; Judgements; Economic Policy; Agricultural Policy and Diet that He gave to YOU and your Mother, the British Nation Israel, His wife (metaphorically), at Mt. Sinai and make Him proud of YOU.


  1. YOU shall NOT commit adultery, either physically, individually, or spiritually, nationally or individually but shall be FAITHFUL to God, your word and your spouse, also NOT committing adultery nationally by following the wrong examples of other nations.


  1. YOU shall NOT use the Lord's name, unless you are speaking to Him, or about Him, then you will not waste His time or insult Him.


  1. Love your neighbour (not physically) as much as, or more than, you love your "Self". Then you will not do wrong, or lie, to anyone - John 15 v 13.

Do NOT desire eagerly, or touch, anything that does not belong to you. It belongs to your neighbour, not you, and YOU must respect HIS property. Your neighbour is the person next to you and the person on the far side of the planet and everyone in between.


  1. YOU shall NOT lie, even to your "Self".


  1. Remember the Sabbath and KEEP it Holy. It is NOT wrong to do GOOD deeds on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man. Man was not made for the Sabbath.


  1. YOU shall NOT steal. Neither shall you make up your own laws to enable you to do so by deceiving people.


  1. YOU shall NOT murder - kill illegally.


  1. YOU shall love one another as much as I love you and in the same way - spiritually not physically - John 15 v 13. IF you DO this, ALL men will KNOW that you ARE my disciples and are exercising and learning "Self" discipline - Discipleship.


  1. Judge no-one, so that you will not be judged, by God, for by whatever judgement you judge another, unjustly, you condemn yourself to the same punishment. Judging is God's job exclusively, as He is always unbiased, impartial, uncorruptible and just. He has given His judgements, in His Law Books given to you at Mt. Sinai, by which He judges those who break His Laws. There are NO other laws on this planet that are LEGAL. God has strictly FORBIDDEN man from making up laws (Deuteronomy 4:2). God's Laws are the same for everyone. God does NOT have separate Laws - one for the rich and another one for the poor.

Anonymous ID: 3e75a8 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.4955178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5253 >>5315

STARWARS Fact NOT Fiction by JAH


George Lucas quite naturally believes that he wrote "Starwars", when, in reality, he was told telepathically what to write in the original first three Episodes (4-6), by the very "Force" to which the films refer, and was "forced" to make only episodes 4-6, first, as a very important step in the preparation of mankind for the long-awaited TRUTH, about the real reasons for human life on Earth ("what on earth am I doing here?"), the meaning of life and its purpose, contained in "The Way home or face The Fire", from which episodes 1-3 should have been made, as I did my best, frequently, to tell him.


Unfortunately George Lucas has exercised his "Free-will"; ignored me and made Episode 1 - "The Phantom Menace"; with arrogant actors who publicly ridicule the real message and the real fans, which undermines the original theme and Divine Message; contradicts it and is mere fiction (lies), telepathically fed to him by the Dark-side force (Satan), to try to confuse everyone and undo the good (God's) message contained in the earlier three films (Episodes 4-6). This is Satan's standard-practice and very predictable. He has done it with the Old Testament; New Testament and Koran and the three major religions who claim to be based on them.

Anonymous ID: 3e75a8 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.4955446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Fremen & THE WAY*

by JAH


The film DUNE (not the book) which is supposedly science-fiction, and visually is portrayed as such in the film, is, in reality, a TRUE story that is unfolding now and it is about GIBRALTAR - Gebal Tariq - The Rock of "The Night-Visitant" (in Arabic).

The basic plot of the film is straight out of the pages containing the Prophecies, in the Bible Old Testament Book of the Prophet Isaiah; and also those from the New Testament Books of John and Revelation/Apocalypse Prophecies and also from parts of the Holy Koran.


Paul, the human, (inside of whom is the spirit-Being - THE Sleeper - Christ) was told (whilst on Caladan - Caledonia - Britain) that change is good for a person, it allows them to grow and without change something inside of us [all] sleeps (the soul or Being part of the human+Being) and it seldom awakens (Mark ch. 13 v 36).





The Fremen & THE WAY*

*The [Weirding] Way


The Prophecy


The film DUNE (not the book) which is supposedly science-fiction, and visually is portrayed as such in the film, is, in reality, a TRUE story that is unfolding now and it is about GIBRALTAR - Gebal Tariq - The Rock of "The Night-Visitant" (in Arabic).

The basic plot of the film is straight out of the pages containing the Prophecies, in the Bible Old Testament Book of the Prophet Isaiah; and also those from the New Testament Books of John and Revelation/Apocalypse Prophecies and also from parts of the Holy Koran.


Paul, the human, (inside of whom is the spirit-Being - THE Sleeper - Christ) was told (whilst on Caladan - Caledonia - Britain) that change is good for a person, it allows them to grow and without change something inside of us [all] sleeps (the soul or Being part of the human+Being) and it seldom awakens (Mark ch. 13 v 36).


The 'Sleeper' must Awaken


"The 'Sleeper' must awaken" (YOU must be born again as your spirit-Being and wake-up to the fact that you are NOT really "only human") or you will never "SEE" (with your awakened spiritual eye-sight) the Kingdom of God, and YOU will NOT enter into it.


Paul, whilst being tested, says, "I must overcome my fear (just like YODA tells Luke he must do, in 'Starwars' and YODA also says, "Luminous-Beings are we, NOT this crude matter," prodding Luke's crude human body - Read my Starwars Booklet). Fear is the mind-killer, it is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I must face my fear and let it 'Pass-over' me. I must not fear!"


Fear is Satanically-inspired and is irrefutable evidence of a lack of Faith (the word Faith is not the name for Religions, it means "Trust in God"). The more fear, the less Faith; the more Faith, the less fear.


Dune - the desert planet, is, in reality, planet Earth, which is a spiritual desert where not one drop of spiritual rain has fallen during the time of The Testimony of the Two Witnesses (Read my Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse and The Two Witnesses Booklet) that is 1260 days (Prophetic years) in Revelation chapter 11 verse 3.


Dune - Desert Planet - No precipitation (rain). Not one drop of rain falls on the planet - Revelation chapter 11 v 6


11:6 These (The Two Witnesses) have power to shut heaven, that it "rain" (spiritually) not in the days of their Prophecy: and have power over "waters"………

Anonymous ID: 3e75a8 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.4955603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank God we’re getting rid of all that toxic masculinity…