Anonymous ID: 677cac Jan. 29, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.4955241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5252

we need to get a fucking twitter storm going right now.


the longer we wait, the more time they have at fucking us every which way they can.


We need to flood twitter with #WheresRuth


they are probably making latex masks and shit


got a body double all set up.


this is fucking ridiculous that we have to babysit our entire fucking government because if we look away for ONE fucking second, they'll try killing us all or deceiving us into not seeing the blade..


un fucking believable

Anonymous ID: 677cac Jan. 29, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.4955386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Word of caution to the Babylonian vermin with their superior sacred knowledge that got them sooo far [KEK]:


There are networks of people who you left behind. You don't think those you killed didn't tell anybody? They did. They told people you least expected. Those people told people and eventually, you birthed an entire movement that would eventually lead to your own demise.


This happened before when they killed Jesus. They hoped all memory would die if the man died too.


They fucked up big time just as you fucked up.


You know how this ends. take one out, 7 more are born. This cant be killed. We are the globalists now. We are the super elites. You are the vermin sitting on your gold as if it actually means anything. It doesnt and youre just finding out about it now.


Gold cant save you. Only we the people can save you.


We are the only reason you're alive. We allow you to live. You dont think we have the capabilities and networks to take you commie scum out? Dont kid yourself. We are everywhere.


We are the ones who drive you from point A to point B. We are the ones who protect you while you sleep. We are the ones who serve you in restaurants. We are the ones who install servers in your bathrooms and update voter registration information at the DNC. We are old. We are young. We are everywhere. We stick together and we will gladly destroy those who would try to destroy America. The constitution lives.