Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.4954994   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5062 >>5258 >>5540 >>5553

FBI Ignored Major Lead on Clinton Emails, Closed-Door Testimonies Suggest


Congressional investigators have gathered enough evidence to suggest that the FBI, under the Obama administration, ignored a major lead in the Clinton-email probe, according to transcripts of closed-door testimonies of several current and former bureau officials.


The office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General informed the FBI in 2015 that a forensic review of Hillary Clinton’s emails unearthed anomalies in the metadata of the messages. The evidence in the metadata suggested that a copy of every email Hillary Clinton sent during her tenure as the secretary of state was forwarded to a foreign third party.


The existence of the lead was first revealed during the public testimony of Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz in June last year. Horowitz acknowledged the existence of the specific lead and said he spoke about it to Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Charles McCullough. Yet despite the alarming nature of the referral, Horowitz’s 568-page report on the FBI’s handling the Clinton-email investigation made no mention of the lead or how the bureau handled it. The omission caught the attention of Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who pressed Horowitz for an explanation. Horowitz said he would get back to the committee with answers.


It is unclear if Horowitz ever followed up on that promise. Meadows went on to question several current and former FBI officials about the lead, including Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Jonathan Moffa, John Giacolone, and James Comey. In all of the interviews, transcripts of which were reviewed for this article, the officials claimed to remember nothing about the specific referral from the ICIG, suggesting that the lead was either suppressed or ignored by investigators.


During questioning, Meadows repeatedly suggested that Strzok, the former official best known for being fired from the FBI last year for his anti-Trump text messages, ignored the lead and never followed up with the ICIG regarding the referral. The bureau also did not interview anyone from the ICIG’s office, including Frank Rucker, the investigator who initially briefed the FBI team about the anomalies, according to the transcripts.


An official from the ICIG communications office did not respond to repeated requests for an interview with Rucker.


Much more:

Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.4955016   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Venezuelan Pro-Opposition Field News Outlet Appears To Be Run Toronto, By Bellingcat Member


The Twitter account of the pro-opposition blog “In Venezuela,” appears to be run from Toronto, Canada and the field news source is run by a Bellingcat member, Giancarlo Fiorella. The “open-intelligence investigation network” Bellingcat is infamous for its biased reporting and forwarding the mainstream media narrative. Its connections to the Institute of Statecraft and its pet project the Integrity Initiative are also not a secret.


This was initially found by Twitter user Geroman:

Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.4955195   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Judas Goats: The Shocking Story of the Infiltration and Subversion of the American Nationalist Movement


"The use of double, even triple, agents is as old as history. Most notable in the 20th Century, and perhaps of all time, was the Soviet bloc creation and manipulation of false 'opposition' movements in Soviet bloc countries, movements that one generation after another of Western covert operators was drawn into supporting." -Professor Roy Godson, author of Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards There will be those who read this book and will still say … "Well, Mr. Piper, you wrote a really good book, and I think you are absolutely right about these Judas Goats who are misleading good patriotic Americans. However, on pages such-and-such you accused So-and-So of being a Judas Goat and I think you are absolutely wrong about that. He's one of our finest patriots. Why I read his essay in This-and- That magazine and he said some awfully good things. I find it hard to believe if So-and-So were a Judas Goat that he would have written such wonderful words. I mean, really, I think you're mistaken here." Those who say such things are lambs ripe for the slaughter. This is not a book for the faint-hearted. If what you are about to read will disturb you and you are unable to recognize that many whom you may consider to be your friends and allies are really Judas Goats-The Enemy Within-then read no further. This book is for those with open minds, those who can absorb difficult concepts,those who are able to recognize that all is not as it seems,those who are ready for the big battle ahead. And, hopefully, a few such folks who previously may have been inclined to be misled by The Judas Goats will finally come around and see the error of their ways …before it's too late.


Full book:

Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.4955306   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5540 >>5553

Britain Lurches Deeper Into Brexit Crisis As Its Population Remains Deeply Alienated From The Political Establishment


The British political establishment is experiencing an unprecedented crisis over the issue of exiting the European Union. The Conservative government staggers from crisis to crisis over its Brexit deal while politicians off all colours bicker and argue as the UK lurches towards a potentially devastating No Deal scenario. This had lead to a huge distrust in the political class amongst the long suffering public.


As the clock ticks down towards the 29 March exit date it is worth while recalling how this crisis came about in the first place. Regardless of which Brexit option the UK takes over the next period it will not detract from the fact that there is a huge chasm between large sections of a bitterly discontented population and the political establishment that does not bode well for the future stability of a key American ally.


A recent poll of 33,000 people revealed that an overwhelming majority felt that whatever Brexit option is adopted it will not address the rampant inequalities, political alienation and disenchantment that lay behind the vote to leave the EU in 2016.


In June 2016 the UK vote to exit the EU shocked the financial and political elites and led to turmoil on global stock markets. The corporate media was full of shocked pundits lamenting the democratic decision of British people for Brexit. Brexit voters were being blamed for everything from the rise in racism against immigrant families to the increased dangers of terrorist attacks.


The corporate media both in Britain and internationally was and still are furious with the British electorate for voting for Brexit. They never saw it coming and still don’t fully understand why ordinary people voted for Brexit. More than this, they still don’t understand how the Brexit vote reveals how completely out of touch the corporate media and the political/financial elites are with the millions of working class people who voted for Brexit.


Let’s be very clear about this: the vote for Brexit was a working class rebellion against the financial and political elites of Britain who have presided over a massive redistribution of wealth in favour of the super rich leaving a fifth of the population in poverty. Analysis of the referendum vote shows how the poorer an area was the higher the vote was for Brexit.


The working class stood up to massive pressure from the Bremain camp that included: all of the mainstream political parties, the Bank of England, CBI, IMF, ECB, Obama, the World Bank and the trade union bureaucrats.

Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.4955328   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5339 >>5356 >>5385 >>5400

The Delegitimization of the White Male


We know that the white male has been delegitimized. Women’s studies, black studies, Latino studies, and Identity Politics have been demonizing, and teaching hatered of, white males since the 1980s. But where did these hate-filled special interest groups get their power? The answer is that effete white males handed it to them.


It was white male university administrators who created the anti-white male propaganda degrees called women’s studies and black studies. It is the white males in the Democratic Party who endorse Identity Politics, an ideology that puts responsibility for all the evil in the world on white males.


The latest white male collapse is that of the president of Notre Dame University. Catholics, themselves formerly a marginalized people in the United States and Great Britain, are guilty, according to Rev. John Jenkins, Notre Dame’s president, of displaying in Notre Dame’s main building a wall mural painted by Luis Gregori in 1880. In the Identity Politics that now rules even Catholic universities, the 1880 painting is viewed in the 21st century as depicting native Americans in stereotypical submissive poses before white European explorers.


I would bet that most Americans would not read the painting in this way. But in American everything is determined by the few.


Notre Dame’s president has decided that the solution to this “offense” is for the university to cover the mural.


Apparently the only intelligent person present at Notre Dame University is a law student, Grant Strobl, who said that “if we adopt the standard of judging previous generations by current standards, we may reach a point where there are no longer accomplishments to celebrate.”


This is a good point, but I would go farther. Luis Gregori’s painting was not intended to depict the submission of native Americans to the white man. Here we have another case of real history replaced by fake history with the connivance of the president of Notre Dame University.


Think about this for a moment. Is Luis Gregori’s painting the only painting, the only piece of art that can be construed, or misconstrued, as giving offense?

Anonymous ID: edf267 Jan. 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.4955357   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Ron Paul on Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco


Last week President Trump announced that the United States would no longer recognize Nicholas Maduro as president of Venezuela and would recognize the head of its national assembly, Jose Guaido, as president instead. US thus openly backs regime change. But what has long been a dream of the neocons may well turn out to be a nightmare for President Trump.


Why did Trump declare that the Venezuelan president was no longer the president? According to the State Department, the Administration was acting to help enforce the Venezuelan constitution. If only they were so eager to enforce our own Constitution!


It’s ironic that a president who has spent the first two years in office fighting charges that a foreign country meddled in the US elections would turn around and not only meddle in foreign elections but actually demand the right to name a foreign country’s president! How would we react if the Chinese and Russians decided that President Trump was not upholding the US Constitution and recognized Speaker Nancy Pelosi as US president instead?


Even those who would like to see a change of government in Venezuela should reject any notion that the change must be “helped” by the United States. According to press reports, Vice President Mike Pence was so involved in internal Venezuelan affairs that he actually urged Guaido to name himself president and promised US support. This is not only foolish, it is very dangerous. A Venezuelan civil war would result in mass death and even more economic misery!


Regime change has long been US policy for Venezuela. The US has been conducting economic warfare practically since Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chavez, was first elected in 1998. The goal of US sanctions and other economic measures against Venezuela (and other countries in Washington’s crosshairs) is to make life so miserable for average citizens that they rise up and overthrow their leaders. But of course once they do so they must replace those leaders with someone approved by Washington. Remember after the “Arab Spring” in Egypt when the people did rise up and overthrow their leader, but they then elected the “wrong” candidate. The army moved in and deposed the elected president and replaced him with a Washington-approved politician. Then-Secretary of State John Kerry called it “restoring democracy.”