No cookie. The big money hasn't been found yet.
If you know anything about the wine industry you already know.
It's the connections that matter.
What does Opus One
and Quintessa
and Leviathan
and Faust
all have in common
No cookie. The big money hasn't been found yet.
If you know anything about the wine industry you already know.
It's the connections that matter.
What does Opus One
and Quintessa
and Leviathan
and Faust
all have in common
He's a wine Industry 'icon'
He's a pelosi donor
Host to political fundraisers
He's a 'star.'
There's more to the story.
Sea to shining sea.
sex druggs and rock and roll
Btw the irony of mapping a heirarchy so well that you can move across to other heirarchies isn't lost on me.
We're the illuminated now.
Who is Robert Mondavi?
Don's recent tweet was to this dig,
This group of anons.
all caps.
Sex druggs and rock and roll
Extra G denotes import.
Keep going.
Graphic incoming
proof of Don comms.
I'm giddy!
I tried, I suck at graphic making, rather be digging.
The video Don posted:
I swear to god he's talking to us.
When this all started over 11 zinfandel ln
I didn't know the end,
but it's ever clearer.
The connection is made between Los Zetas and MS13
Los Zeta's have territory expanding from border to Cancun
Cancun is closest port to haiti
Preliminary digging: Sure as shit HC doesn't have interest in Cancun right?
Extra g is to emphasize drugs.
CB new industry? Why?
Big cartel money.
CB + marijane = sex druggs and rock and roll.
It was figured out above.
Changed names in 2000
When in control of Richard, son
Richard is a donor to HRC during senate run via CB action committee
Early donor, when did HRC setup CF?
Probably early donor there to
"Take care of my people" -HRC (figuratively)
Proximity suggests connection
but not concrete enough
Need to go higher to find a link.
Haven't dug kate spade *sic
The anchoring is befuddling. If Haiti is tied into this, and Mexico business is tied into it, no doubt cartels are too. It may be harder to prove. Los Zetas control the coast closest to Haiti. Why? LZ are allied with ms13 too. Any CF initiatives occuring near Cancun or other Mexican Gulf coast cities? Any connections to the Haiti dig? CF friendly ports? Find their symbolism.
The NAPA dig has turned out to be so much more.
Don't get hung up, 40,000ft view. Make the connections.
The NAPA dig got us from sea to shining sea
Constellation Brands in NY
Who are CF donors, and early HRC pol career donors in NY
bought a major brewery from the Modelo Group.
I pose some questions.
Who were the Modelo Group?
Who are the Modelo Group?
How tied to CB?
Where is the facility located?
What major dynasty is connected to this region?
Garza, railroads, Modelo. Tie it together. Make the connection.
Flip-A-Dee Doo-Dada
Modelo/AB-Inbev - CF donors
SABMiller - CF donors
CB - CF donors
Slim/Salinas - CF (revised) donors
Huneeus - CF donors
Seagrams/Bronfmans - CF donors
Gallo - CF donors
Build the web of connections
The web of connections paints the picture.
The picture is that of the keystone.
The keystone is (((their))) interface.
The keystone holds it all together.
Remove it and it all falls down.
The archway is that which 'illuminates' them.
Without it, what are they?
Buried under stone.
Their symbolism.
Think like a meta-business.
You need procurement
You need production
You need warehousing
You need distribution
You need retail
You need customers.
procurement = RED RED
production = MK
warehousing = P2P
distribution = cartels
retail = pizza shops
customers = P2P
protection = ms13
RED RED controls what?
GHWB controlled what?
Slim/Salinas control what?
We're not even at the top yet,
and it's a wicked web they weave.
Each step is an entire conglomerate
Each step has it's own hierarchies of power.
Garza gets you from what power/step to what power/step?
Build the web
Mariasun - Salinas/slim? good start.
Military Intelligence, No Such Agency = key
POTUS and Patriots = stone
What gives?
Keystone is interface between action, visible operation, the light,
and secretive, knowledge, shadows
POTUS and Patriots are acting visibly,
and Wizards and Warlocks guide from the shadows
What interfaces these two?
Where did they turn to?
Who do they communicate to/through?
The keystone is but a stone,
but it holds it all together.
Can POTUS talk openly about what Wizards and Warlocks know to be true?