1999 Obit on Marvin Sands, the founder. Family originally came from Queens. Company originally called Canandaigua.
1999 Obit on Marvin Sands, the founder. Family originally came from Queens. Company originally called Canandaigua.
>Renovations started about a year ago. The Prisoner wines will be produced at the winery on Galleron Road. (Has to be close to Kate Spade's place).
10 minute walk away. There were building permits active between 2015-2018 for Spade's house, thus there was construction on both properties at the same time.
Constellation-Cuomo-cannabis connection
Constellation also involved in Haiti work with a org in Rochester called InterVol.
Could this be one of the towns DJT was referencing in the Al Smith dinner?
>(sic) "Hillary has often said that 'It takes a village' which is funny because in Haiti, she's taken several."
The organization has a relationship with a town just west of Port-Au-Prince, near the epicenter of the quake.
Whether or not it is, neon will probably take credit for it, cuz that's just the kind of egofag he is.
1) This dig began before whomever it is showed up on the board.
2) All these connections are factually checking out.
3) It's all highly relevant to current events, numerous politicians in high places & multiple Q crumbs/DJT tweets.
See this thread has been anchored. Don't understand why that is, but so be it. As long as the trail goes higher, will keep digging
Exactly. Atlas Peak fire is another mystery. Hagafen partially damaged.
Mountain Peak Winery development (owned by Zoom CEO Eric Yuan) to blame?
And check out who's also got a property over there at the Silverado CC & Spa.
Thanks for baking the thread. Much easier to digest when the info's consolidated.
>James Lee Witt, a former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency during the Clinton administration,
So a CA Dem powerbroker who's also a RE developer leads the effort to rebuild after the fires and brings in the FEMA Director under the Clintons. Like that's not suspicious at all.
>Darius Anderson
>This guy's got his hands in everything!
No doubt. Big find. Guy's a snek.
>>5015475 beat me to it! >>5015724
here's another: Anderson doing slimy deals with Laurence Pelosi (Pelosi's nephew & Gavin Newsom's cousin) on Navy properties in S.F. with Nancy & Barbara Boxer greasing the skids with the Pentagon.
Found a Cuban/wine connection. Darius led a group of CA vintners down to Havana for a symposium in 2016.