Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.4957239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7414 >>7652 >>7822 >>7915

Venezuela’s top court bars self-declared president Guaido from leaving country & freezes assets

Published time: 30 Jan, 2019 00:26

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Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) has banned self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido from leaving the country without permission, blocked his bank accounts and other financial assets, and prohibited him from selling any property he might have in Venezuela. The court said that the measures were imposed at the request of Attorney General Tarek William Saab, who has launched a preliminary investigation into Guaido for “serious crimes that threaten the constitutional order.” Guaido’s main foreign backer, the US government, has warned of “serious consequences” should the Venezuelan government “harm” its protégé in any way, including arresting him.


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Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.4957262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7524

Too cold to steal: Cops in Wisconsin urge criminals to just stay home

Paul Srubas, Green Bay Press-Gazette Published 7:22 p.m. ET Jan. 29, 2019 |


GREEN BAY, Wis. – OK, this wind-chill business is getting serious.


It’s one thing when schools start canceling classes and businesses start telling employees and customers to stay home because of record cold in the forecast.


But now the cops are asking criminals to please stay inside.


Yes, you heard that right. Temperatures getting down to minus-double-digits Tuesday night and Wednesday, accompanied by winds of 20 mph or more, were expected to provide wind chill values of between minus 30 and minus 45 degrees, according to the National Weather Service in Green Bay.


That prompted the Green Bay police to take “the unprecedented step” of canceling all criminal activities in the city.


More: As historic cold blasts Midwest, cities focus on vulnerable, homeless


More: 250 million in USA will see freezing temperatures


Are we getting soft, or what?


But Police Chief Andrew Smith was adamant.


“With the wind chill warnings, we simply cannot have any criminals putting themselves in harm’s way at those temperatures,” he said. “Avoiding crime and criminal activities is especially important during periods of inclement weather. Also during all other times.”


The department is calling for the suspension of all retail thefts, car thefts – including those with the keys inside – and all violent crimes. Failure to comply with the ban could lead to citations, arrests, or even jail time, Smith said.


Frostbite can occur in such conditions in just minutes, Smith said. “If we didn’t speak out against this, it is simply not fair to the criminals, and I am not willing to risk it.”


Without a similar ban in surrounding communities, many area police agencies were expected to beef up patrols to accommodate the almost certain influx of criminals hoping to get around the Green Bay ban.


Smith says the city's ban will remain in effect until further notice.


Text of the news release


Cancellation Notice - Severe Weather Criminal Activity Alert





January 29, 2019


Faced with the record breaking cold weather that is fast approaching, the Green Bay Police Department is taking the unprecedented step of cancelling all criminal activities in the City of Green Bay until further notice. Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith was quoted as saying, “With the wind chill warnings, we simply cannot have any criminals putting themselves in harm’s way at those temperatures. If we didn’t speak out against this, it is simply not fair to the criminals, and I am not willing to risk it.”


Forbidden until further official notice are all criminal activities including retail thefts, automobile thefts (including the stealing of cars with the keys inside), and all manner of violent crime. With the ban on all criminal activities, crooks, criminals and miscreants of all kinds are hereby put on notice that failure to comply will result in citations, arrests, or even jail time. This official ban on illegal activities will continue until the official criminal activity ban is rescinded formally by the Police Department. Please monitor our Facebook site for any updates.


“We care about everyone in our community, including those that choose to break the law,” said Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith. “Avoiding crime and criminal activities are especially important during periods of inclement weather. Also, during all other times.”


Temperatures and wind chills are expected to be at least 35 below zero, which can freeze skin and cause frostbite in just a few minutes. With a salute to the Noblesville Police Department.

Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.4957317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7357 >>7459

Men make history as first Super Bowl cheerleaders

Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies will be the first male cheerleaders in history to appear at the Super Bowl.

12:09 a.m. PST Jan. 30, 2019



Next they'll feel discriminated against because they can't wear the cute little skirts and push up bras the girls wear


Honestly… I mean if it just stays guys digging the workout, fine, it's when it's when they rub soyboy and beyond in our faces

Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.4957503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ya this guy may be someone other than….


he knows lots about the pedo shit, going on in daycares, churches, schools,he goes online and catches pedos in kids games rooms then gives cops the info to bust the perp…. so if it's he saying trump is somehow being manipulated by ONE BLACKSTONE INTELLIGENCE into 'making public' the problem of global paedophilia, he is another sell out who is helping 'them' set the stage for plausible deniability when the shat hits the fin


and certainly trump isn't blaming the paedophilia on only jewish ppl, he is laying blame where blame lay, whomever the disgusting perpetrators are.


We made need to watch for this, head off their attempts to thwart the truth making it difficult for ppl to wake thru confusion

Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.4957521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7523 >>7530 >>7545 >>7547

Whoa: Israeli scientists say they’ve found a ‘complete cure for cancer,’ expect it ready in a year


I don’t think dopey bromides like “color me skeptical” are really necessary here. Obviously any claim like this is going to rise or fall on the basis of the claimant’s ability to prove it.


That said, I eagerly await the UN’s condemnation of the cure for cancer as a Zionist plot.


We’ve occasionally brought you stories like this before, and why not? Ours is a hopeful site, and we believe that wonderful things are possible. If someone had told me in 1978 that 40 years later I’d be watching a Vikings game on the beach – on my phone – I’d have figured it was either impossible or no less difficult than finding a cure for cancer. Not more important, obviously, but arguably just as complicated a proposition.

Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:16 p.m. No.4957706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brexit victory for British Prime Minister Theresa May1:04


British Prime Minister Theresa May has had a Brexit victory in Parliament, placing the UK one step closer to exiting the European Union.


January 30th 2019

Anonymous ID: af5f85 Jan. 29, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.4957973   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THE BIGGEST part of that I believe, is that he clearly wants to give power back to the people but the people forget the rules of the game, what it is 'The People' are responsible for with regards to keeping our governments in check…. where are those people?

We're Blessed b/c he is a President fighting for what are the rights of the people, but the ppl aren't out there fighting with him.

I don't even mean physically outside, I mean shouting from the rafter of every news outlet, upload message to youtube, twitter or??? even messaging if don;t do videos but make it LOUD AND CLEAR WHAT IT IS THEY EXPECT THEIR GOVERNMENT TO DO…. CARRY OUT THEIR WILL …DOES HE KNOW IN ALL THE SITUATIONS THAT HAVE COME UP, HAS HE HEARD FROM THE PEOPLE "BE LOUD BE HEARD'


Lots of enthusiasm for sure toward him, now let's tell him by numbers what exactly the will of the people who voted for him & those who will be, in every situation that affects the country negatively, WE THE PEOPLE WANT OUR VOICES HEARD


Hasn't this always been a concern for ppl; feeling like they're not listened to by the govt they elect, not heard, not important enough for their needs to matter…..